SOLD! THANK YOU..... PICK UPS :) - DLR - Channel 28 Pin Pick Ups
If you’re taking waitlist names for the Song Set, could I please be added? Thank you!
I would appreciate it! I see one of the posts with the lists was updated but not that one. I know my odds are probably nil, but want to make sure I’m written down anyway before the 25th just in case.
I would appreciate it! I see one of the posts with the lists was updated but not that one. I know my odds are probably nil, but want to make sure I’m written down anyway before the 25th just in case.
Thanks again!
Yup, thank you! (And thank you too, speedwaystar1!)Hi @OnceUponADream . You want to be added to the list for one of the 4 Pin Song Set, is that correct?
Keep me on the list, please!
Thank you so much. Y’all are so kind to help others like this.
So I don’t mean to nitpick but August 8th is a Wednesday not a Sunday and August 9th is a Thursday not a Monday, I believe.
So if you’re like me keeping track of days it’s best to just keep track of the day of the month due instead.
Dear @disneyboysmousehouse and @CanaDaLE
I need to you contact me tomorrow, 8/7, to confirm you still want your orders.