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ZAPPED! That crazy woman's after me too!

ZAPPED! That crazy woman's after me too!


DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
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And she got me with this!


My youngest son is named Peter, and he turned 9 yesterday--the day this awesome surprise arrived in the mail!

Thank you, Selen! We are so in love with this pin, and the adorable Mickey & Minnie ornaments that escorted it to our house. Your timing could not have been more perfect and the pin is just beautiful. You are always so thoughtful (even if you are crazy...:crazy: :rofl YOU ROCK!!:rock::rock:

Laura and the birthday boy!

p.s. and need I say again, as always you are WINNING!
Eh, don't read too much into it ... like "Selen cares for me" or something.

I was just trying to get another Charlie out of you

:hug: to you all !!