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The DPF End of Line Giveaway!

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The DPF End of Line Giveaway!
I only joined the forums today, but I really love Tron, both the original film and the new one (yay for the bit! ). It'd be so cool to win this. Better get busy posting ^^
Mods, may I suggest to avoid more of the thread-spamming and pointless necroposting and post-count-boosting "Me too!" posts that have been happening that perhaps for the next giveaway, rather than requiring a post minimum, how about requiring a participation minimum by time? i.e. you have to have been posting on the board for at least 90 days before you're eligible to win?

Otherwise we get all of this non-contributing spamming that's been going on just so people can up their post counts to qualify. Just my two cents worth.
Ooh - or second thought - how about keeping it to people with a minimum of say 3 positive trade/sale refs on the board?

That encourages pin trading and actual participation by contributing members of the board and promotes the ref system. :)
Ooh - or second thought - how about keeping it to people with a minimum of say 3 positive trade/sale refs on the board?

That encourages pin trading and actual participation by contributing members of the board and promotes the ref system. :)

Although that would stop random posting, I, and possibly others, don't feel comfortable trading online with people I haven't met, but am actively trying to get involved on the forums, instead of spamming. But that's just my two cents :)
Although that would stop random posting, I, and possibly others, don't feel comfortable trading online with people I haven't met, but am actively trying to get involved on the forums, instead of spamming. But that's just my two cents :)
But the point would be if you participate in the board and get to know folks you will want to trade with or buy from or sell to them. :)

The best part about pin trading is the interaction with fellow collectors as part of acquiring pins - you're missing a major part of the experience if you opt out of doing so. Every one of my pins tells a story - who I got it from, what I traded for it, how I got zapped with it, etc. And if people don't want to interact and trade with other collectors, I'm confused why they're on a forum about the pin trading hobby? LOL

But yes, it would also be an attempt to stop the "me too" "great pin" "I agree" spamming and necroposting. :) If you want to be a member of this community, please be welcome and participate - ask questions, share favorites, enjoy the excitement of opening pin packages from people you've never met. It's an extraordinary hobby and a great community of people. It's a waste (and a detriment to the community) if people are just going to spam to get free stuff.
perhaps for the next giveaway, rather than requiring a post minimum, how about requiring a participation minimum by time? i.e. you have to have been posting on the board for at least 90 days before you're eligible to win?
That's a great suggestion, Jabberwocky. We'll definitely implement something like that in future giveaways!

The best part about pin trading is the interaction with fellow collectors as part of acquiring pins - you're missing a major part of the experience if you opt out of doing so.
Please remember that DPF is here for everyone and all their different reasons for acquiring Disney pins. I always try to refer to it as the "Disney pin trading and collecting community" because there are people who just collect and have no interest in trading. :)
That's a great suggestion, Jabberwocky. We'll definitely implement something like that in future giveaways!
Just trying to brainstorm some ways to encourage participation instead of people coming here to spam the boards just to up their post count, grab free stuff and leave.

Please remember that DPF is here for everyone and all their different reasons for acquiring Disney pins. I always try to refer to it as the "Disney pin trading and collecting community" because there are people who just collect and have no interest in trading. :)
But you can collect by buying here even if you don't want to trade (which I don't understand - if you collect, why would you cut off one of the best resources to get what you need?), which could earn the positive refs. Again, just wanted to come up with an idea that encourages people to participate in the community instead of grab and go. :)
But the point would be if you participate in the board and get to know folks you will want to trade with or buy from or sell to them. :)

The best part about pin trading is the interaction with fellow collectors as part of acquiring pins - you're missing a major part of the experience if you opt out of doing so. Every one of my pins tells a story - who I got it from, what I traded for it, how I got zapped with it, etc. And if people don't want to interact and trade with other collectors, I'm confused why they're on a forum about the pin trading hobby? LOL

But yes, it would also be an attempt to stop the "me too" "great pin" "I agree" spamming and necroposting. :) If you want to be a member of this community, please be welcome and participate - ask questions, share favorites, enjoy the excitement of opening pin packages from people you've never met. It's an extraordinary hobby and a great community of people. It's a waste (and a detriment to the community) if people are just going to spam to get free stuff.

Jabber, I think these are some great observations. (No spamming intended, but) me too; I agree, and a +1! :lol:
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I'm heading to WDW this weekend for STW but I hope to have some to trade after I get back, I have to downsize especially seeing I'll be leaving for bootcamp this July.
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