The DPF Super Tangled Giveaway!
What a great thread, I have loved reading every one of these entries and feel like I have learned a bit about all of you.
As for me, when my 4th (last) child was born, I remember talking to my husband and saying "you know, when the kids are all in school, I think I want to go to nursing school." (I have previous degrees in another field). One year later, my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer, and 17 months after that, he died. Our kids were 9, 7, 4 and 2 and our life as we knew it was blown apart.
Since his death, I have sold our house, moved 2000 miles away, relocated us all, and now lo and behold, time has passed and all my kids are old enough to be in school full-time.
It took me a while to figure out what all my prerequisites and what I would need to apply to nursing school, and last fall I took my first class (org. chemistry). This semester I am in Biochemistry and just preregistered for next semester.
This is poignant for me because tomorrow it will be 5 years since he died. It's always a hard time of year for me, and sometimes I still can't believe it's real. He was only 44 when he died, and such a smart, funny guy. I wish he was here to tell that I am actually taking Chem classes! So I will tell all of you instead.
My Dream is to win an oscar, any will do.
What a great thread, I have loved reading every one of these entries and feel like I have learned a bit about all of you.
As for me, when my 4th (last) child was born, I remember talking to my husband and saying "you know, when the kids are all in school, I think I want to go to nursing school." (I have previous degrees in another field). One year later, my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer, and 17 months after that, he died. Our kids were 9, 7, 4 and 2 and our life as we knew it was blown apart.
Since his death, I have sold our house, moved 2000 miles away, relocated us all, and now lo and behold, time has passed and all my kids are old enough to be in school full-time.
It took me a while to figure out what all my prerequisites and what I would need to apply to nursing school, and last fall I took my first class (org. chemistry). This semester I am in Biochemistry and just preregistered for next semester.
This is poignant for me because tomorrow it will be 5 years since he died. It's always a hard time of year for me, and sometimes I still can't believe it's real. He was only 44 when he died, and such a smart, funny guy. I wish he was here to tell that I am actually taking Chem classes! So I will tell all of you instead.
My life dream is to have me cancer not coming back,and to be able to go to Disneyland 2012 for Larry and my 25th wedding anniversary
How about a package of Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs? :lol:
Well I have a couple of dreams but the one that I want the most is to have custody of my children and have them living with me. Due to me not working when I got divorced back in 2005 in the *great* state of Tennessee, the court decided that I was not able to provide lifes nessasary needs...i.e. food, clothing and shelter for my two kids. My daughter was 4 and my son was almost 6. They now live in Ohio with their father(a piece of work), I talk to them on the phone every week and just cry knowing that my ex is the reason I dont get to see my kids more. I get to see them durring summer break but that is only 2 months out of the year! So my dream is that my ex pull his head out of a very dark hole and reailize that I am NOT the problem...In any case I just wanna tell my kids good night and kiss them on the forehead EVERY NIGHT! That would be a WONDERFUL thing to have.
My second dream is becoming a reality. After years of not knowing what I wanted to do, having odd jobs for 4 months here and 8 months there, I FINALLY found my calling for cakes! I am now growing my cake dream for it is to have my own storefront in American Canyon California and have people drive for hundreds of miles to get a cake from me! Plus if my first dream came true I would have 2 helpers( as they both LOVE to bake)
So there you go...those are my dreams......
Bless you Laura! You have been through so much! What an inspiration! Hugest of ((HUGS))!!
and that is a dream you certainly deserve to have come true! Many good thoughts and prayers being sent your way that all these are a reality!
LOL! I was rolling when I read this! Too funny!!
All of these are such amazing dreams. I was all teary eyed with some of them especially if they are about your children. I don't talk about it much b/c I get emotional about it but my 4 year old son is autistic. Luckily it is not on the severe side but it is there none the less and we work every day to get him to where he needs to be. He is in a great school for children with minor to severe disabilities. He has been in the preschool class there for 2 years and we hope to keep him there one more year before Kindergarten. We have his progress and placement meeting May 4th so I am eager to hear the thoughts from all of his therapists and teachers. The whole team there is just amazing. They all love him and have helped him come SO FAR from where he started. He loves it there which is a huge plus. He gets sad on non school days...haha While things can be very very hard with him, esp his sensory problems we have so many hopes for him. If I could have one dream it would be to have him lead a full (and normal as possible) life where he will one day be able to have his own family. I think that breaks my heart more than anything else to worry that he will not have that. From the progress he is made is 2 years though we have such high hopes for him. He is honestly one of the happiest kids you could ever meet. He is a real light in our lives and has been from the day he was born.
Another dream since I have not shared enough of them (hehe) is to move down to FL and work for Disney. We considered just taking the plunge and moving down there while dh was having so much trouble finding a job. We had looked into apartments and everything but when you have so much family here begging you not to go you hold off. It is something I would definitely like to do at some point though and preferably before the kids were too old to actually enjoy living that close to Disney. haha
i say we all go and apply to Disney as the official Department of Pins.