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The Feeling of Almost Completing a Collection...Love it or Hate it?

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The Feeling of Almost Completing a Collection...Love it or Hate it?
My PODM collection was a blast it was exciting and fun, I knew I could do it! I was getting closer and closer, I decided to knock out the hardest ones first, Snow White, Dumbo, Bambi...then I did a camp out for B&TB and waited for Steamboat and Little mermaid, yesssss I had traders to get other PODMS! it was so fun, I never got frustrated, I wish they bring them back, unless it's going to get all DSF crazy when they return, Hope not!

But Rapunzel! I have spent countless dollars and given up several pins in trade to gain the ones I have and it was fun, till now I hit a brick wall! dream pins I once owned are un-reachable and untouchable, I offer pins I thought I would give me a chance but, it's always No,No,No prices are very unaffordable and all the trying to trade and all the no's it has become very frustrating, I feel defeated and crushed. I am so close and now so far away, now more are coming and it's like taking 2 steps forward and then taking 3 steps back, it was becoming so frustrating I just had to stop and tell myself enough! Rapunzel was putting a little itty bitty black hole in my love of pin trading. So I have this incomplete Tangled collection That was so close to being my first full completed collection and it's going to stay that way sadly, as I watch my dream pins get purchased away into others collections and my heart sinks, there goes 1 one more chance to own one, as I am sure it just went into a permanent collection. So I decided to work on a new collection to take my mind off Rapunzel, Cats!!! I love cats!! and Si and Am have many fun pins! and they are so cute! So I am having fun again but she still lingers in the back of my mind, and my heart breaks everytime I see one vanish to happy homes, and one will never pass the threshhold of my front door, sad panda.
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It always seems to me like I get one pin away from finishing a set, then it takes YEARS to find the last one. I waited (not so patiently) for over two years to get this pin to finish the 6-pin JDS LE 250 of the Stitch Invasion.

Now, I'm waiting on the last one of a set of ten LE 1000 pins with Stitch and family at the Ohana Village (another JDS set). I've been waiting about a year and half for this one because there was an eBay seller that was selling the other nine, which I got. But no Pleakley yet...

I try to be patient, but I'm not so good at it. I want them NOW NOW NOW!!!
I get excited but then frustrated if I can't find it right away. I'm at the frustration phase with my last marquee pin.
Being there right now with the centaurette collection... I think i love it AND hate it. lol

Love it, the success is so close I can taste it, the sense of completion and satisfaction you get from finishing a set is awesome.
Hate it, becasue well shoot what now?????
I really like the feeling, but I hate it at the same time haha Overall, I definitely say I like the feeling more than I hate the feeling but I just want to finish the set >_< I'm currently there with 2 sets actually:

- DisneyShopping.com LE100 Princess and Prince Stained Glass Pin Set
- WDI Thrill Ride Princesses and Princes Pin Set

I get really nervous and frantic when I see one of those pins I'm missing (people at the recent NJ pin event can attest who how frantic I got when I saw the Tangled WDI Thrill pin haha) but I like the idea knowing that I'm so close to finishing the set. It feels better than where I feel like I'm at with the Designer Princess set (which is at 0 out of 10).
It's a relief knowing that your collection is complete but sad that the excitement of the chase is over.
Arrrgh I both hate and love knowing that last pin is left. Man, I had like 3 of that Mulan pin you want at one point, if I ever find another its yours.

If I was BT complete, I'm not sure I could handle the stress going into each release.

Super. Painful. Stress.
(but it started off being awesome!!!!! when I first finished the collection)
I stupidly traded away some of the pins that I am now collecting. It was my first time trading at DL and I got too excited because the "real" traders wanted to trade with me. I didn't realize that some of the pins that I traded were highly sought, and now I'm stuck trying to track them down. I know it will take years to complete my set... and that's IF they stop releasing them. Still, I'm super excited to be searching them out. WDI Mystery Sorcerer Hat pins are my goal! I'm gonna need a siggy soon.
I'm one away from a HM collection of popcorn turners i'm missing one chaser then...i'll look to trade the whole set for something really well worth it. so i would say i love completing.
For me, anticipation and excitement as it nears completion. And when I get that final pin I need to complete the set? Excitement and total relief just to be done! And more excitement because I get to start a new series/set!
And when I get that final pin I need to complete the set? Excitement and total relief just to be done! And more excitement because I get to start a new series/set!

I am still not as excited about starting my other new collections... Maybe it is because the trill of collecting PODMs in the height of their popularity was as exciting as it gets. They might have been as popular as the BTs are now
I am still not as excited about starting my other new collections... Maybe it is because the trill of collecting PODMs in the height of their popularity was as exciting as it gets. They might have been as popular as the BTs are now

Maybe it's just me, but from an outsider's perspective (since I don't collect either) I think PODM's were much more popular than BT's. I mean, sure BT's and marquees are the in thing now, but I don't think they top the hype that was PODM's. Whenever there was a PODM release people would speculate what scenes would make the cut and then people would be posting their photos and comparing them to others as people tried to figure out the best scene out there. With BT's, it's more or less once the pin releases, everyone goes "Wow that's nice" and then that's it :rofl:
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