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Auction Ended: The "I am going to break the forum" auction!!! Ends Jan 26 @ 10PM CST

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Auction Ended: The "I am going to break the forum" auction!!! Ends Jan 26 @ 10PM CST
Wow ChickenLittle u have some nice pins!!! And I know u just clobbered my bid!:bowdown: LOL

If I have entertained just one person, I have served my purpose tonight.

But seriously, my chest hurts. I'm trying to figure out what I can part with but they're all my babies... I can't even deal with this... But I WANT her so badly... And I'm pretty sure Chicken Little is just going to bid Tim Burton next... Arg, Rasputin, I'm adding my wallet and first born to my bid...

Lol can you just picture ChickenLittle with a picture of a tied up Tim Burton because its making me laugh so hard right now!! Karin is going all out!! Guns ablaze!!
Lol can you just picture ChickenLittle with a picture of a tied up Tim Burton because its making me laugh so hard right now!! Karin is going all out!! Guns ablaze!!

Shoot, if I had her pins, I'd be going all out too!! I can't even compete with that... But at least if I'm going down, I'm going down against an incredible bid. Oh, this is brutal...

That's where I'm at... I'm sitting here, looking at my collection and deciding if there's pins I can part with for this pin, let alone if they can complete here in this auction And if ChickenLittle did somehow bid tim burton I'd give her props; so that's where/who he stays with when he's not busy... LOL

And I literally LOLed when u offered ur wallet and first born

::raises hand:: I'd like to add my soul to my bid as well... :rofl:

Sorrying for the jesting if it is annoying ppl, but I figure to lighten this up bc it'll prolly get uglyyyy fairly soon :/
Ok here is our bid...Hope you like it!

All PODMS are on original backs + the following pins

Pin 30102: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Old Hag and Snow White w/ Apple
Pin 84914: DLP - Dopey with Bird
Pin 84915: DLP - Grumpy Walking
Pin 11456: History of Art - Pocahontas (1995)

Between ChickenLittle and coupleofdorks' bids=:shock::eek2::facepalm:

Does anyone wanna co-own a Designer Rapunzel?? ^_^;; Like what Bart Simpson did w/ Radioactive Man Issue #1????

.... Hey I was just thinking "with our powers (in this case pins) combined!" -type thing right now :rofl:
So glad I am not seeking out these Designer pins just yet, if I was I'd just go buy all of Ebay and everything on it just to come in second place to ChickenLittle with Tim Burton lmao xP

On a bad note, Rasputin, you should have told me, there are so many things I have yet to post, yet to read, YET TO SEE on these forums before they go down for the next 7.8 months!!!!!!
Adding these as well

Pin 38340: DLRP - Chernabog (Mystery Release)
Pin 69878: Mystery Box Set - Heroes vs Villains Mystery Set - Scar Only
Pin 69883: WDW - Mystery Box Set - Heroes vs Villains Mystery Set - Simba Only
*looks up from sipping her sea salted caramel hot chocolate*

Rasputin, were you in chat when I said a Designer Rapunzel auction probably would break the boards? If so, that was meant as an observation, not a challenge, dearie ... .

And I'm pretty sure Chicken Little is just going to bid Tim Burton next...

you guys want Tim Burton?!?!?! I'll give you Tim Burton!


Actually, if it's all the same to you, I'd much rather have Sebastian Stan. Can you bid him, Karin? :lol:
Not on your wants but thought I would throw it out there.

I'LL BID THIS....................

Pin 42386: Disney Auctions - Elisabete Gomes Signed ( Jack & Zero )
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