Hi Izze,
I apologize in advance if this offends you in any way, as that is not my intention. I just wanted to write things from my (outside) perspective. I do not personally know anyone here and have no agenda, but simply wanted to say how I felt, as I'm sure others may be thinking the same things and therefore responding to you negatively.
From the very first page of Becca's Brave auction, I *personally* got the vibe that something was "fishy". It seemed like you and Becca knew each other, and you were bidding very rare and valuable pins to "up the bids" placed by others. And towards the end of the auction you weren't even in the top two (even though your bids were, by most traders perspectives, the best) which made it even more suspect. Not to mention you were a new member, and most of your posts were on Becca's auction thread.
If you are in fact dating Becca's co-worker, that in my mind says you guys know each other fairly well...I know you said you guys weren't really friends, but it means you know her better than most people on here know each other, and when you are bidding valuable pins on her auction, it (to me) raises a red flag. I also find it interesting that both you and Becca were both able to obtain these rare, hard-to-get Brave pins, yet you aren't even friends...is that just a coincidence or did you get them from the same source?
You also wrote that you gave your last Brave pin to a foster child, and if you did that is a very nice, generous, and commendable thing to do...but you also wrote on Becca's auction, "I could use another one of these, I heard the value is about to skyrocket even more!". That seems very contradictory to me...but once again...just my perspective.
And if you did in fact offer the Brave pins to a member (or members) here for $650, and/or tell people that you and Becca are "business partners", it may be hard to get people to change their mind about you, as that is a really high, I-am-trying-to-make-a-large-profit kind of number. Why would you go from giving a foster child a rare and valuable pin, to trying to sell one for a crazy amount of money? It just doesn't add up to me.
Once again, I am not trying to attack you in any way, and if I am wrong about you I will be the first one to apologize...but I just keep getting the "fishy" vibe from all of this (as much as one can get a vibe from internet posts...LOL), and wanted to convey that.
And a really great way to get everyone to shut up would be to post actual pictures of all of your awesome Swarvoski pins...I know it is hurtful to have to resort to "proving yourself", but because there are so many inconsistencies and rumors floating about...it may be the easiest way. Not to mention I'm sure many people would love to see actual pictures of these beautiful pins.
Becky (concerned pin trader
