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ZAPPED! There's something in the air and it's a zap!!!!!

ZAPPED! There's something in the air and it's a zap!!!!!


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A big BIG thank you to minpintrader(Linda) who not only won my auction with a fantastic bid but she zapped me with a pin which should have been on my want list but wasn't :D

This was the lovely surprise this morning

that was the pin bid in my auction and she zapped me with
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Sorry for the lack of pictures. I just seen to be getting the old familiar red cross :(
Go to Pinpics.right click on the picture and where it says"Show Properties"a window pops up,and where it has that ..cut and paste the gallery part with all of the link
come back here on DPF and use the button forth from the right where it says insert image,and paste the properties in it and it Ok

And your pic should show up

Thank you so much Judy:hsd:

Go to Pinpics.right click on the picture and where it says"Show Properties"a window pops up,and where it has that ..cut and paste the gallery part with all of the link
come back here on DPF and use the button forth from the right where it says insert image,and paste the properties in it and it Ok

And your pic should show up

Wow! Still looking for some Lonesome Ghost POMH. They are so cute.

Congrats! What a wonderful Zap!
