This is what pin trading is all about...a special thank you
I wanted to make a special thank you to Steve and Brenna (TheOtherSteve and Mad_For_Alice) (even though they said they didn’t want any credit) for their amazing kindness towards another stranger.
Being a pin collector now for the past three years I’ve seen some dramatic changes in the way new pins are being dealt with. Three years ago you could hop on disneyshopping on a Sunday night and grab a few nice pins or head down to DSF two weeks after a release and get the latest pins. It’s now sadly changed into who can get the pins first and who can sell them for the most.
I understand times have changed and disneyshopping has really stopped releasing pins, but honestly, it’s getting too expensive for anyone newish to really keep up.
So moving on, as an avid villain collector (my name just says it all) I was so excited about all the new villain merchandise coming out. I just knew there was going to be pins made, it was just a matter of when. I had been checking every Sunday night/Monday morning in hopes of them being released but nothing. Then one Monday morning I woke up to not only find out they were released, but that they sold out and were going for hundreds on ebay already. I know it was a total surprise to most of us, but this is just what I collect, and I missed them.
That day I believe, I had been posting that I missed out on getting the pins, not even that I wanted someone to sell me them or trade them, just that I was sad I didn’t get them, and I received a message from Steve saying his friend Brenna got an extra set and she wants to sell it to me at cost.
Total shock! I couldn’t believe in this age of pin trading that someone would not be in it for the money but for the pure happiness of trading and getting the set to someone who would appreciate it.
This is what pin trading is all about people! Getting collections of pins into the hands of people who want them, not to make hundreds off of a set they don’t even like.
Again a special THANK YOU for the special gift that was in my mail today. Best mail day ever!
That totally rocks!!!!!!