Yeah 'twas a great convo Mrs. Aquata
So for the first question, "how long do you plan on collecting disney pins?"
For me this could wax and wane throughout my life really. I may take a break from it here and there due to various reasons (, life, quality of pins (prolly this one would be the most likely) and/or how much I have to deal w/ shark/mean traders who lowball me) but I don't think I will EVER get tired of classic Disney stuff (newer Disney stuff is an entirely different topic :/). I'm a Disney child at heart, so I don't think I will ever stop stop collecting pins for good. I'm hoping my future bf/husband will enjoy the hobby as much as I do
I also just hope pins don't turn out like Beanie Babies did. Does anyone remember when they were like hotcakes, some "rarer" one sold for over $100, buying many for between $10 to $75 a piece... and now u can find tons of them at Goodwill/Salvation Army for less than $1 a piece? :facepalm: If Disney pins ever got to that point I'll prolly be kicking myself and/or bashing my head against a wall. Imagine if a Rapunzel r/c or PoDMs ended up in that $1 bin :shock:
Next question, "What will I do w/ my pins when the time comes...?"
Well I definitely plan on having children, so if they appreciate pin trading/Disney as much as I do I will leave my pins to them, perhaps depending on their character they collect (i.e. one of my children may collect Sleeping Beauty, the other NBC). I love seeing families where pin trading is a family affair; I hope my family when I have it will have something like that to bond with
Although I'm wondering/hoping on if everyone in the family should collect different things... I can only imagine the bickers my family and I would get into if we ALL collected Ariel or Rapunzel pins for example, hahaha.
If my children didn't care for the pins/Disney in general (bc I have sworn NEVER to impose anything extracurricular activities/hobbies on my children unless they genuinely wanted to do it themselves), I would definitely pass them on to a friend I know who will appreciate and cherish them (and definitely NOT go sell them on Ebay, no matter how valuable my pins are :rant
. I know Aquata will definitely get my Ariel/NBC collection if that happens, and perhaps my Rapunzel collection if it's anything worthy by that time (She SOOOO frickin' hard to collect!
). Idk about the other parts of my collection bc I collect a little bit of everything (and who knows what my collection will look like by then!), but Aquata gets first dibs!
And yes ::raises hand:: I promised to NOT poison her ice cream....
suspect: this month....)
LOL j/k j/k Aquata, u know I luv ya! ;P