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Took my grandma pin trading for the first time!

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Took my grandma pin trading for the first time!


EVERYPONY calm the buck down!
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Victorville, CA
WHile I was working at Disney I made friends with a regular. She is a 68 year old woman who loves to give pins away to kids and is a great and wonderful lady. But I was very jealous of her. She was able to go out to DIsneyland with her oldest son and pin trade. She got exercise, sun and fun, all the things I always wished my grandmother could have. MY grandma is not so so well. She turns 71 on Sunday and though she doesn't get to go out much we try our best.

So a month ago I introduced them and my friend welcomed us with open arms into her home and now her family feels like family to us. Monday was a day my friend and I decided was the day to take my grandma down to Downtown Disney and teach her how to pin trade.

We got coffees after our long drive (I no longer work at DLand, and move back home with Mimi (what we call my grandma)). And my friend payed for everything since she can't drive on freeways and feels bad we always have to go to her to visit.

Our first trading expirence was terrible. And long story short a cast member refused to trade us, yelled at us and acted terrible. My grandma was upset for my friend who was denied a pin she'd been searching for for over a year. But after a while, taking to managers and all kind of other things things got back on track. Now mind you, my grandma...I think is just happy to be somewhere where people can be happy and she can wander around I mean....I had a difficult time chasing after these two old ladies in walkers and canes! But they had a blast and in the end everything went super well!

Here is the stuff we got while we were there!


ALso in the picture is a few pins from when I tried at the SOda fountain x_X Jessica, and jasmine. And the HKDL lionking pin and coin in the back were in the mail haha



THese are the favorite ones of the day! MY friend gave me the villians one for helping her weed out all of her fake pins. WE found the Miss Piggy one, and the evil queen ones and my grandma jus had a ball getting princesses and letters. My absolute pin favorite was my first ever trade at the park with a guest as a guest for the cast member homeon the range pin! 8D

THEN my friend knew i wanted them and since my birthday was friday she got me these

best day ever. (Except for my fabulous sunburn!)
That sounds very fun! It was so nice of you to do that for your friend and your Grandmother! Seems like the three of you had an amazing time :)

Nice Birthday present by the way!
What was with the cast member? weird. Anyway THIS STORY and the like is why pin trading is important. For many people this is their social outlet. I have noticed many families who have special needs children or elderly or sick folks who can use pin trading as something to enjoy and focus on. This is exactly the thought behind the original idea i am sure. I am devistated that slowly pins are not in any disney stores and now the disney store on line?? I encourage you all to write to Disney and tell your stories of how pin trading affects your life and family. How many inexpensive family hobbies, gender neutral, are there really? I am writing my second letter. I know they get alot of neg feedback with the sharks and scrappers, thats why it is so important to make pin purchasing easier for all. Put pins back into disney stores! thank you and good night! lol
What a great story! It seems that pin trading has become more than a hobby but a way for familys to spend time together and for making friends.

Great haul by the way.
You are truly an awesome person Romancing_Train and thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story. This really kind of puts into perspective what pin trading should be all about. I hope more people can be like you. I am sorry to hear about the one CM but I am very happy to hear that all of you where able to overcome that one bad moment and still turn the rest of your trip into a magical day that you all will remember forever.
Great story to go along with some great pins. I can just imagine you chasing your grandmother and her friend all over the park. Once you reach a cast lanyard they were at, they're already at the next!
Great story to go along with some great pins. I can just imagine you chasing your grandmother and her friend all over the park. Once you reach a cast lanyard they were at, they're already at the next!
Not just pins either...they were after vinyls, jellybeans, coffee mugs and cute things.


Thanks everyone for such sweet responses. My mimi has always been very important to me since she raised and adopted me, this is the least I could ever do.
This is really a lovely memory!! How sweet of you to put together a special time for both your Grandma and you! As a die-hard Disney person I truly hope that I will be able to take my grandchildren to Disneyland and spend lots of precious moments with them!! I lost both of my gmas long time ago ... now if my daughter would only get with the program, lol! After all she's been married for over a month now, ROFL!!! (She's in her late twenties so don't feel too sorry for her ... I'm the one getting older my the day!! lol!) I know it will be worth the wait! Take care everyone! *bjr
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