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ZAPPED! ~ ToTaLLy DUmB*FoUnDed ~

ZAPPED! ~ ToTaLLy DUmB*FoUnDed ~


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Dictionary.com defines "dumb.found" as to make speechless with amazement; astonish.

That is exactly what happened to me when my husband brought in our mail maybe about 1.5 hrs ago. I was totally dumb founded!

I had a sad Ebay scam experience last week, and shared it in (perhaps unnecessary) detail here on DPF. I always resort to humor and some sarcasm when life's boinks happen, so I just wanted to share this in a comical way (and also to warn others) as the scam was so "SLICK" as Psyco Pixie named it.

But then today this happened:

The sender shows as Anon E. Mouse (with a FL address) who calls her/himself also "The Real Santa Clause". So, what is my early Christmas gift? 3 (yes, all good people of DPF, not 1, not 2, but 3) Disney Gift Cards totalling an enor-mouse $150.

As I am trying to process what just happened, I am totally quiet. In the midst of typing this post I had to take a break to go get my daughter from school. My daughter was scared to see me this quiet :lol: And, she was so excited when I told her what is going on. She desperately tried to figure out who this could be by counting few names she knows from my pin trades and from DPF friends we already met.

Right now many thoughts and emotions are running through me. My husband works from our home office, and between his business calls he keeps coming to me asking "But how?"

I understand that this generous gifter wants to remain anon-e-mouse, and I respect this wish. But, I hope that (s)he sees this post and knows that this very generous and thoughful gift made not just one person, but a small family of 3 very very happy. It is not only the gift or its value, but a renewed faith that there is truly good out there in the world. Good for the sake of being good, without even expecting an acknowledgement. I have been always "glass is half full" kinda person despite life's boinks. And Mr. Anon E. Mouse made my glass full today.

I do not know who you are, although my gears started slowly working once the initial shock wore off a bit. I checked the tracking number, and saw that the package was mailed from OH despite the FL address written on it But whoever my secret donor is, I promise to raise a glass to him/her/them when we are eating our way around the world this coming fall during Epcot's Food & Wine Festival. Heck, knowing me .. I will raise several glasses :lol:

I am so sorry to have rambled on this much. As Cole Porter says: "At words poetic, I'm so pathetic." And for our Secret Santa I borrow again from Mr. Porter: "You're the top! You're the Coliseum. " That is the song that has been playing in my head for the last 1 hr.

Woah!!!! Congrats and to you and the sender for being an amazing person! And I can't imagine a better place then the food and wine festival to use such a wonderful gift and toast the gifter

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AWWW how wonderful for you!! I'm so pleased! You deserve it after what happened!!! Santa is a generous guy !
You should have everyone from Ohio and Florida submit handwriting samples.:lol:

Way to go Santa!
I know what it feels like to be blessed with a mystery surprise, and not know who to thank, and I once got one from the great state of Texas and couldn't figure out who it was... Anyhow, Congratulations to you and the mystery "Anon E. Mouse." It's true what @therealSantaClaus says: "Christmas is a year round thing!"
Sometimes people just want to do things because you deserve it and not to be recognized for it. Congratulations on this wonderful Zap! I am really happy for you!
Reading this thread gave me a huge smile for you and your family!! :hsd: It also made me wonder if Anon E. Mouse is related to Mickey. And if so, how? Brother/Sister? Distant Cousin? By marriage or more along the lines of how that oswald character was thrown in the familial mix? =O

In all seriousness (well at least remotely seriousness ;D) super congratulations, Selen!! Whoever this amazing pin friend is knows what all of us know- you and your family so deserved it!! Hope it makes your upcoming vacation all the more brighter!! :hug:
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It also made me wonder if Anon E. Mouse is related to Mickey. And if so, how? Brother/Sister? Distant Cousin? By marriage or more along the lines of how that oswald character was thrown in the familial mix?

Hmmm Kayla .. why would you ask that ? What do you know that I dont ?? The envelope actually says "Mickey's Cousin" in the second line of sender's address. And the LBE supposedly comes from 3111 World Dr. Orlando FL 32830, but I can see that the stamp shows 43054.

Another interesting thing about my sender is that (s)he wrote the note on a paper that shows DLR area map with Vons Grocery Store marked on it. I wonder now if there are more clues in that note Or maybe I am supposed to go to that Vons :lol:
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I know nothing- this I am sure of :lol: It was just my creative writing side getting the better of me => I loved their clever tagline, so it made me ramble about mickey connections. =P I love that they actually included an actual familial connection - now I will have to see if this particular mouse has a summer home in ToonTown on our next disney vacation =D (See, my mind just rambles... I like to imagine that it's a gift, but I'm pretty sure others feel its their curse :facepalm

Again, super happy congratulations Selen!! <3
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Yay I love you Anon-a-mouse!! So happy for you Selen! This is the kind of awesome act that gives me faith in humanity