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Trying To Finish A Display...Seeking A Few Stickers

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Awesome!!! :bigthumb: Maybe no one will purchase it and they will lower the price on it some more!!! :x: Thank you so very much!!! :hsd:
Awesome!!! :bigthumb: Maybe no one will purchase it and they will lower the price on it some more!!! :x: Thank you so very much!!! :hsd:

I think I may be able to find the stickers at my local collectibles shop. I bought the Captain Hook in the past. Will keep you posted? I'm super new to DPF by the way - Hi!
Hi again!

I went to the shop, but the lady only had Ursula, Evil Queen, & Captain Hook for the villains. She had a lot of princesses though!
I went to my Michaels today but all they had was Mickey/Fab Five, Princesses, Tink, and Pooh.

No villains whatsoever.

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These stickers are pretty old. :/ I haven't seen them in stores like Michaels or JoAnns for a long while. The best luck we'll have is either online or at specialty scrapbooking stores that have hung onto their stock.
You are wonderful!!!

Please let me know if you manage to pick either (or both) of them up. My offer to pay still stands - I've been searching everywhere for them. 

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No problem! I gotchu haha
Sorry, haven't been on much since dealing with the two deaths in the family...just got on and saw the comments here! :hug: Thank you all so very much, you make my heart swell with happiness to know you all care enough to seek these out for me!!! :hug:

And a very special thank you to sorapandora for offering to get them for me!!! :hug: :hug: It has been a rough couple of weeks and all this kindness/love gives me a little pick me up that was much needed! Thank you!

:bigthumb: :hug:
You are wonderful!!!

Please let me know if you manage to pick either (or both) of them up. My offer to pay still stands - I've been searching everywhere for them. 

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Just picked up Ursula. She didn't have any more Mali - and I believe the lady told me the villains were all discontinued.
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