Venting about weird TA request reply
I apologize for the vent/rant in advance, but i just got a reply that makes me angry when I see one like it. I ACCEPTED a TA I got from PinPIcs (and yes the person is ALSO a MEMBER of this Forum, and NOT a newbie). I say in reply to the TA: "lets trade" and give my addy. I probably SHOULD have put a copy of THEIR TA at the TOP of the email and said: "I would like to make this trade you propose". the TA was STILL in the body of the reply I made. So, what do I get back from this "non-newbie": "No thanks!" Excuse me, but he/she OFFERED ME the trade, and I was accepting. if they had a change of heart, or second thought about the offer, or pin is traded, THAT is what they should have said!
"No thanks" is a totally inappropriate response to someone ACCEPTING a TA request! IMHO
Thank you for letting me rant about a big pet peeve of mine.
"No thanks" is a totally inappropriate response to someone ACCEPTING a TA request! IMHO
Thank you for letting me rant about a big pet peeve of mine.