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very let down by a dpf member and also people on pinpics.

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very let down by a dpf member and also people on pinpics.


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i have recently been the victim of some horrible pin people lately,this has made me wonder whether it's worth it anymore ... i just don't know.
a member on here was due to send me a pin it forward but they never did and they never even replied when i wrote to them
.bricklayer was informed about it. lots of people ignore requests on pinpics and it's very disappointing ,not many seem to be polite anymore.any requests i do receive are terrible or they agree to trades and then never bother,i was going to get some pins for my brother and they agreed trades but i got let down.there doesn't seem many nice people now.i enjoy trading and helping people and getting little packages but so many have ruined it for me.
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Hi Sabrina
PM me...I wanna know who the trader was in the PIF!Judy

Who do you think Judy ...same one I had problems with...
I think Pin it forward might need a new rule to keep scammers out of it...

Sabrina, I am so Saddened to hear this <3 Please PM me your address
I really want to send you a little cheer package <3 <3 <3

There are still plenty nice traders here to trade with <3
<3 Laz
I agree. The world is changing and many people's values and morals are going out the door. Please let me know through a PM who the DPF member is and let everyone else here know if they ask you, please.
I wrote a friendly letter to that person...lets see what happens as I started PIF(newest one)and it bothers me that some do not send
I know one member that was stiffed 4 times on PIF!and they are a great friend of mine

I am sorry that something that should be a fun hobby ends up making you sad like this. It is never intended this way, but we all have similar experiences every now and then.

If it is any help, I do send many many trade requests (which I believe are reasonable) and very rarely get a response. The only resonse I got yesterday was telling me that the pins I asked for were already traded away. On occasion, someone agrees to a trade and then never send me their address or even show the courtesy of a one line e-mail to let me know that they changed their mind. Similar stuff happens to most of us and it is only part of the "game" Do not let it to discourage you.

I stopped participating in PIF when it stopped being fun for me, so I am not sure what is going on there lately. But again, do not let one bad incident take away from your fun.

Happy Trades & Best of Luck
Sorry to hear about your issue.

I would definitely PM the mods about this.

I would also leave negative feedback. While it may not help the current situation, it will help prevent this from happening to others.
It is very sad and I know how you feel! One of my PIF never showed up to me either. I'm not the kind to ask someone if they sent it and I really shouldn't have too. It was so long ago I don't even recall who it was.

Live and learn.

I have also had an issue with someone agreeing to buy mesomething, sending my money, and never getting it! They say they sent it but no back up or proof, hence the reason I send everything with DC and when it's outside of the US I get insurance!

Im now having an issue with an out of the country trade. I send it with insurance to protect myself, and now I'm expected to re-send it and lie on paperwork.

Im not gonna lie to someone so I'm surely not going to lie for someone. Who would expect that of a person! Well, it's not right and it's not right to be asked to do it!

Even through all this, there are still good people! Keep your chin up and only trade, buy or sell from/with those you know or have a good experience with.

Wishing you all the BEST!!!!!

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It is difficult enough for us UK traders who "live the wrong side of the pond" to make trades & purchases in order to keep our hobby/pastime "interesting" - by that I mean that without trades, zaps etc from our US friends we probably would struggle or even give up the interest in pin trading. The UK pin scene is pretty dismal to say the least apart from the bi-weekly DSUK releases which get some interest & are primarily used as traders across the pond for pins that we would stand no chance in getting otherwise.

PIF's give members that bit of enjoyment - every package received through the mail-box gives that little buzz of excitement regardless of whether or not you know what's inside - how the heck someone could be a complete let-down is beyond me. I no longer trade, I just buy - what I wish to add & sell - whatever we do not need. This is supposed to be Fun with a capital "F" - I'm passionate because this affects a fellow UK trader, if the member has failed more than once then involve the mods. I'd appreciate knowing who to avoid!
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Hey Sabrina- we have talked about "the rudes" on Pinpics, don't know about PIF as I have't participated in that yet, but as an experiment I sent out 6 requests last week to trade for the same pin, and did not get even one reply! Methinks some folks need a manners boot camp! If you don't want to play nice, get out of the forum and off of Pinpics! Do we need a list somewhere of those who don't play nice with others?

Keep smiling kiddo, you are all right. Sending you hugs.

Have to agree but thought I would add that sometimes Pinpics requests go straight to JUNK mail. I'll get one or two requests a week and then when I check my junk folder there will be a ton from a long time ago. :-(

I do not have Internet at home and since I have a Msn email account I can't see junk email on my phone. I have to wait until I am near somewhere I can check my email on a computer. I can't do this at work all the time, as I'm not in the office as much anymore.

I have responded to Pinpics request, even from DPF members and never get a response. :-(

Sometes this happens. :-(

Being a new member on here, I would really appreciate it if someone sends me a list of people I should not make any sort of transactions with. Thanks!
PLEASE PEOPLE! Does anyone remember the Golden Rule? If everyone obeyed it, just think of the problems that would be avoided in this world.

That being said, we are all human and make mistakes, or forget etc. However, "make it the exception- not the rule". You'll be much happier"

My 2 cents.
2nd, 3rd and 4th that!


Ok guys, just because someone doesn't respond to a trade request that doesn't mean they are a rude person. That is a horrible stereotype. Some of the people on Pinpics have been doing this for as much as 10 years. A decade! Responding to each and every request that comes through gets old fast. Looking at the flip side of the coin, some of them might consider a bad offer as rude. What is or is not "rude" is in the eye of the beholder.

If you are not getting responses:

1) Don't take it personally. That's the way it is for everyone.

2) The person may not be active anymore.

3) They might busy busy and not looking to trade at the moment or not paying attention to their email. Not everyone lives on their email and can respond at the drop of a hat.

4) To be blunt, you offer may not be good enough. It is entirely possible that the other person felt it was a poor offer and just chose not to reply rather than say something about it.

I for one don't want 50 "no thank you" emails cluttering my inbox so I am perfectly fine with people not responding if they aren't interested. This topic comes up over and over and over again and I desperately hope that this is something the "new Pinpics" addresses. The wording on the trade requests is old and outdated. I really hope they can revamp it so that people can get away from finger pointing and calling each other rude.
Sabrina, don't let people bring you down. It can be frustrating when people don't reply, but I sometimes think people may have signed up on Pin Pics and have lost interest in trading. Maybe they don't know how to turn off their trade assistant and just delete the emails. Who knows, but for whatever reason they may have, don't take it personally. Have fun with those who are in it, and don't let it get in your way of having fun. Also, my requests sometimes go to spam too. I have to remind myself to check. I'm sure I have missed some unknowingly, so I'm sure other people do too.
I would be grateful for a list of people who not to trade with as I am just getting used to trading as well.
I think I may have gave some good pins away too easy in the past and now I am now finding my feet with it , it takes some getting used too.

Altho I had some really good advice from a few people on here so there is still decent people about.

I agree 100% with this assessment.

Does DPF and/or Pinpics (still) do the third party trading option (each trader sends their LBE to a neutral DPF/Pinpics person and when both LBEs get there, then they are sent on, so no one loses their pins)?
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