WDI Frozen set sold out

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WDI Frozen set sold out
The official release date (in store) hasn't yet passed. There is a pre-order date for cast members before the in store date, which happened yesterday.

hope everyone that wanted the pins for their collections got them
Good luck to everyone trying to get them! I hope you all get them for reasonable prices ^_^!

I have just become a Frozen OE pin completist..so im a happy camper too hehe :D!
People keep saying they Sold Out by 11:00EST or 11:30 EST and that isn't really accurate, as far as them officially announcing and posting SOLD OUT. As far as when they were in reality at caps for the edition size I've no idea what time that hit (my friend and I are still waiting for the news on our order. No news good news I hope. No cancellation at least) but she was able to order them still at 8:55PST so almost noon WDW time. Now because that is basically an hour after they went live, I won't be surprised if our order is canceled (I am so grateful to her for even trying to get the pins for me). However, just saying they were still buyable at 9/12o'clock.

*EDIT* Update: My friend just got the call this morning confirming payment and shipping. (Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!) I know their is still a *chance* the order could get cancelled (I have heard of some people getting confirmation then a second cancellation call) but seeing as how much of that drama happened yesterday I am hoping at this point they are only calling to confirm what they can actually confirm. If they order officially gets shipped out, I will update again. But our messages from yesterday morning are time stamped as 8:55am PST so if it ships then pins were not sold out before 9/12 :) Cheers!

Also, as a public service announcement for the sake of my CM friend: She is not selling/making any profit off these pins. I am reimbursing her for their cost and the shipping charges (and putting together a thank you gift basket ;) ). With all the intense scrutiny for unscrupulous CMs and fire they are coming under right now, I just wanted that put out there. And she only bought the one set, she didn't have others buy any extras or anything (not a pin collector herself). She was simply being amazing and helping me acquire these awesome pins for my collection.
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Did you get one for you Alex ? Would be happy to know that at least one kind Frozen completist managed to grab one...
This is time for me to stop pin trading, I only wanted to continue last year because a new movie with princesses was released...
But I knew that the moment I had to stop would happen... And with this set, it's the end for me ^^

I did manage to get a set (card has been charged). But I honestly won't celebrate until they are in my hands!
Don't give up pin trading though!! I know Frozen is very discouraging now, but with its popularity, they are going to be making some truly gorgeous pins in the future :) Look at all the OEs they are making! I think they will have some really nice ones in the future that won't be as obnoxiously difficult to get as these :)
I haven't actually heard of any cancellations except for one guy on Facebook who said they cancelled his friend's order a few hours after the release.
I haven't actually heard of any cancellations except for one guy on Facebook who said they cancelled his friend's order a few hours after the release.

I saw one from a girl on Facebook, plus one here on DPF, plus the one you just mentioned, but yeah, that's all of the confirmed cancellations other than just rumors I'v heard of which bodes well for all who were able to order. I hope everyone's orders go through smoothly :)
Our calls came n cards charged so hopefully all is well with our set/half set (curious who ended up with the other 4 as finances didn't allow to buy the whole set..)

I did manage to get a set (card has been charged). But I honestly won't celebrate until they are in my hands!
Don't give up pin trading though!! I know Frozen is very discouraging now, but with its popularity, they are going to be making some truly gorgeous pins in the future :) Look at all the OEs they are making! I think they will have some really nice ones in the future that won't be as obnoxiously difficult to get as these :)

Oh congrats Alex ! I am happy for you !
I just don't want to become crazy only for pins, I knew immediately that I won't be able to have this set, I wasn't even sad.
It was just the good moment for me to stop, even if I loved this challenge: collecting Frozen pins.
But as a French collector, anyway, it's too complicated, so I prefer to stop right now.
It will be more and more stressful, with PTD's or things like the Disney Adventures pin.
Majority of the Frozen pins will be nearly impossible to have for European traders.
You know, even the atmosphere at DLP is different, sharks come with a lot of people at PTNs and are just waiting for a Frozen release, they leave immediately when the pins are announced...

Not funny anymore and I don't want to feel sad or stressed only for this.
I will keep my Frozen pins and resell all the extras I have because pin trading is definitely not for me.
None of this surprises me. As long as there have been popular trends in pin collecting, those pins will sell out in the proverbial blink of the eye. At one time, it was Stitch and DA PINS (anyone else remember how quickly those LE 250s sold out?). Now the craze has shifted to Tangled and Frozen ... and this, too, eventually shall shift to something else. The difference between the DA PINS pins and the WDI pins is that the former were available to everyone with a computer (although the faster, the better) and the latter requires CM status ... but the pinsanity for them is the same.
According to the information I saw on Mickey's of Glendale there will still be some sets available in store. Only the online preorders are sold out.
According to the information I saw on Mickey's of Glendale there will still be some sets available in store. Only the online preorders are sold out.

I believe I saw this too, but any CM who already preordered one isn't allowed to get another set in line and they will be first come, first serve...good luck everyone who is gonna try :)
Considering that for the WIR hats, people were lined up at 5 a.m. Monday, I'm going to say yes, there are already people in line right now.
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