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SOLD! WDW Animation Celebration, RSP In Look for PM Regarding Awarded Pins

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SOLD! WDW Animation Celebration, RSP In Look for PM Regarding Awarded Pins
Anyone on the fence? If you think you might want a pin, add your name to the rsp list!

If there are no takers for a pin item, it will not be added to my rsp. I am able to add every pin item 3x to each RSP and I have two being submitted. The very popular pins will not last through the primary rsp lists, but many of the others will last, but if they are not requested, they definitely will not be available for this close to cost purchase price. :)
RSPs will be sumitted next week (sometime after May 21)... need to complete the RSP before the summer becomes crazy.
There are some wide open spots left (I have 2 registrations to request with.)
Adding your name to any pin list does not commit you to buying. You will have the option to opt out in July/August when the pins are awarded (ie, if another RSP list comes through with your pin.)
FYI: for any late comers... with the exception of item #3 and #15... there is a chance your pin may become available... (3 and 15 will be the hardest to obtain, thus want full discloser regarding these two.)

My plan... at the end of July... Once all DPF members on the pin lists in this thread are taken care of, I will post a new thread with pins awarded in the RSP but unclaimed. I may post the pin you want, so please check back (once again... at the end of July... probably a few days after July 25).
This is what I wanted.
1. Sword and the Stone Sequential Animation 2 pin set and lithograph-Pin 17


2. 101 Dalmations Multiplane Camera Multi-Layer Pin and Lithograph-Pin 13


3. Sleeping Beauty Filmstrip Lenticular Pin -Pin 6

I have added you to the bottom of each list.

Basically I am able to request 4 pins for the RSPs (between mine and my daughter's registrations we can request 2 each). Depending on how the RSP goes we could be awarded anywhere from 0-4 of the pins. For the super popular/lower edition size pins I think an award of two is a reasonable estimate (super popular are probably #3 and #15). For the remaining pins there is a very good chance 3-4 will be awarded.
***Being awarded 0 pins for any of them is extremely unlikely IMO.***

So your chances:
1) Sword and the Stone: you are number 2, so you have an excellent chance at this one.
2) 101 Dalmations Multiplane: I have requested 4 of these (and you are #4), so decent chance here.
3) Sleeping Beauty Filmstrip: I have requested 4 of these (and you are #3), so decent chance here.

Also, DPF members are on multiple RSP lists and final commitment (ie, payment) is not required until RSP results post. Some DPF members will drop off my lists (either by choice, or perhaps non-payment by the deadline I set). Then the pin(s) will be made available to those farther down the list.
Note for all: If anyone else would like to be added to my RSP lists, please just post what pin(s) you want in this thread.

ie, if you do not add your name to my lists, I will not know to contact you if your pin becomes available at the end of July.

You can still change your mind when the RSP comes in... just keep me posted, so I may offer pin(s) to other DPF members. This is an extremely fluid process.
Are you taking anymore request?

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Yes. Will add anyone who wants any of the pins to my current lists. Since my lists are first come first served the higher you are on my lists the better your chances when the RSP results come in, so please let me know as soon as possible by posting the pins you would like in this forum thread.

Once the RSP results are in I will be contacting DPF members on my lists in order (ie, 1st right of refusal to 1st person on each list.) Each person will have a deadline for responding and paying. The quicker the response the better, so I will know who is claiming what pin by August 9 (so please be ready if you are on my lists). I anticipate having anywhere from 2-4 of each of the pins. Some people may opt out of buying pins from my RSP (they are on multiple lists) when all of the results come in (and this is perfectly acceptable, so no worries on if you buy the pin somewhere else)... so your chances are still decent (depending on which one(s) you would like... some pins will be harder than others of course.)
Thought I would highlight this tidbit regarding my RSPs... I maxed out the mystery sets and no DPF members are on the list for these in my RSP. I am on the fence if I will be buying any of the mystery sets for myself, so I may have as many as 20 mystery pin boxes available (still on the fence), but I likely will have at least 10 of these available. Gaining 20 of the mystery boxes is typically a sure thing through the RSP, so please let me know ASAP if anyone would like to purchase mystery sets from my RSP.

And if you are interested in certain pins from the mystery sets, at buyer's request I am willing to open the boxes during the event and trade them at the event, so you can get exactly what you want. The OEs usually trade very easily for the other OEs and chasers easily for other chasers.
Is it possible to get #15 and #17. That puts me on 5 spots unless too many.

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I have added you to the lists.
#15 will be tough... and probably is unlikely to get very far down my list.
#17... I think you have a good shot at this one.
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