WDW August Pin Event - Animation Celebration
I went to the previous two events - Pixar Party and Love is an Adventure. The boards were all any authentic Disney pin for a pin in the board. You were able to make two trades at a board per tab. I felt that LiaA had better pins as I liked them more. Also, it depends where you are in line when they change out a board.
I actually thought I got better pins on the second day. My best trade (LE wise) was the last trade of the second day from a board that had been out for awhile. I pulled two of the It's a Small World frame set AP pins. It's all chance.
I paid for my niece (8) and nephew (10) to trade at the event. They had a blast. The cast members were super sweet to my niece. My nephew liked the bigger boards. One cast member helped my niece find pins by asking her what she liked. She pulled the Rapunzel throne chaser at a board so she started the throne collection while there as she pulled several. My niece said it was a little overwhelming but she liked it. (I just asked her). The only thing she didn't like was she couldn't sit on the floor in the long lines.
Bring a something that can carry your pins and double as a chair.
I actually thought I got better pins on the second day. My best trade (LE wise) was the last trade of the second day from a board that had been out for awhile. I pulled two of the It's a Small World frame set AP pins. It's all chance.
I paid for my niece (8) and nephew (10) to trade at the event. They had a blast. The cast members were super sweet to my niece. My nephew liked the bigger boards. One cast member helped my niece find pins by asking her what she liked. She pulled the Rapunzel throne chaser at a board so she started the throne collection while there as she pulled several. My niece said it was a little overwhelming but she liked it. (I just asked her). The only thing she didn't like was she couldn't sit on the floor in the long lines.
Bring a something that can carry your pins and double as a chair.