No grumpy , what I am saying is IF attendance by DPF members warrants it, each member may be limited in display space, that does not mean you can not bring them all, just either keep them below table and bring them up for traders to review,or roatate them out. The idea being that we cannot secure space for everyones complete collection of traders becuause we may not know exactly how much each person is bringing. However if we are all willing to cooperate and make room for all of our members whom want to display some of thier pins,each of us will have a better time.
Imagine you arrive after 6 pm cuz you work in otown and traffic is not nice on Fri eves. You arrive and we have secured a large space, wouldnt you want someone to pull back a book or two so that you can put yours out, or would you see someone with 7 books spread out and no room for you and wonder why you tried?
All I am trying to point out is this kind of coop effort requires that everyone be able to give and take,
I personally have three books,A<B<C. I might take my A book for a strole and leave Band C on the table, but if you and your wife arrive, Why would I need to keep all three out, I can put any of them away and bring them out if needed for a trade.
The concept is a communtity that is working to help each other, imagine I have a trader walk up and ask for Eeyore, I dont have any but you do<theoretically> I can ask the group "hey anyone got an eeyore?" an send them to you!
Its a two way street, now this isnt in stone if you have a better concept I will be the first to say hey speak up, but a limit per person if attendance is supposed to be great seems to be the "fairest" way to make sure everyone has a chance to trade.
Does that make sense?