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WDW Pixar Party - RSP Sale

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WDW Pixar Party - RSP Sale
NOTE: I had the RSP due date wrong. It is due in July, not June - I have updated the original post.

For any sets that are not fully split or pints that have no requests I will start posting on facebook in the next couple of weeks. Wanted to give DPF members first chance
Sean, if it is not to late, Can you remove me from your lists? I was able to sponsor someone. If it is to late, PLMK. Thanks.
If the Shorts is split, I would love a For The Birds and/or Partly Cloudy. Thanks!

On the list!

Hi, could I get on the list for the Pixar Party The Good Dinosaur? Thanks

On the list!

Sean, if it is not to late, Can you remove me from your lists? I was able to sponsor someone. If it is to late, PLMK. Thanks.

No problem, removed! Glad you found a sponsor

RSP submission happens on Thursday! So if you'd like any adjustments to your requests please post before then! Exciting times!
If not to late, please put me down for #2 Pixar Party Logo and #18 Pixar Quotes Buzz and Woody only - if split. Thanks!

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Double checking things here and decided to treat myself: Item 20, #2, Boo - IF SPLIT.

We did not request this, as there was nowhere near enough interest for a split.

If not to late, please put me down for #2 Pixar Party Logo and #18 Pixar Quotes Buzz and Woody only - if split. Thanks!

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Added you in the available slot for the split, but for the other we will add you to a spillover list since the post happened after the submission deadline, which will be fulfilled if someone does not pay or if there are extras available to buy individually at the event.

I'm so sorry, but can you take me off the list for item #6? It's not in the budget anymore.

I can remove you - but if you could post this prior to submission of the RSP in the future (assuming that is possible, obviously in some cases it won't be) I'm sure other members would be grateful. It could affect their chances of obtaining something based on the priority we put the pins.

Could you please put me down for Item #18 the Split set: Buzz and Woody. Thank you!

Added you to a spillover list since the post happened after the submission deadline, which will be fulfilled if someone does not pay or if there are extras available to buy individually at the event.

I'm really sorry, I was planning on the pin until we had an emergency with my dog and had to take her to the er. (It was really expensive and messed with our budget in more ways than just pins but she's worth it.) I'm not 100% certain how the RSP works - if you end up stuck with an extra one because of me, I will find a way to make it work since you were planning on me. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry to hear that and totally understand It's not an issue for us, because we can always cancel stuff on the RSP once the results come back. The only thing it could potentially change is the order of what we request. Not a big deal, just figure I'd mention it! Hope your dog is OK - sending pixie dust!
Hi, I am sorry but I need to cancel the Pixar movie quote set I am signed up for. With the surprise Alice release this week, I am kind of out of my pin budget. Sorry for canceling.
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