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What "Grinds Your Gears" about pin trading/buying/collecting?

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What "Grinds Your Gears" about pin trading/buying/collecting?

and it wasn't just that one there were several ebay sellers selling upwards of 50 on pinocchio and that was the one I missed since they sold out thursday
Yea, people buying 50+ of one pin to sell to others strictly for profit is very shady. And stories of actual physical violence in order to get these pins makes it even more shocking and disturbing. I hope these aren't DPF members! =/
those who have they snobby attitude you know "my pins are better than your pins" and letting you know it.like your obviously already aware of this when they have nothing but low les as their traders.

+1 I don't understand why people trade if they don't like people "bothering" them. Trading is about socializing so why are they in a hobby where your going to be socializing all the time! IDK this is just my opinion.

Another thing that "Grinds my Gears" is people who trade fakes to you knowing they are fakes! My boyfriend got totally ripped off by a trader who knows better for a really expensive pin and someone else pointed out to us that our pin is a fake! We were both totally sad and we just have it for display not trading or selling because 1) we have a conscious & 2) pin karma is a B***h.
Well, some people are into pin trading and the socialization activities tied to trading, and some people are into pin collecting/acquisition and may not love the socialization/trading activities but accept them as part of the acquisition process. To each his/her own...
I'm pretty great with all things pins and trading, but I don't like when someone acts aloof. Many of you have pointed this out, but it's the part I don't enjoy at all.
There are 4 things that drive me crazy:

1. People buying 10+ pins and then selling them for a major profit (i.e selling just released PODM pins for $59.95+)
2. Stupid people that pay the 59.95+ for brand new pins that if they were patient could get in 2 weeks for $30
3. Scrappers / Sharks
4. Liars - people saying Limited Edition / Hard to Find for a Open Edition pin still being sold at the parks
I got burned by a 'baby shark' once. A girl approached me with an obvious faked and asked for a nice princess pin I had (not LE) and I felt like being nice, so I gave it to her. She then promptly walked over to her dad and gave it to him as he handed her another scrapper and pointed for her to go to another trader with a pin book. That pissed me off.
Only thing that really grinds my gears is not being able to find a pin. I know it happens eventually but until then I find it so frustrating! I have finally made a trade for my last fox and the hound pin (yay!) so I am just down to the 2 oliver and co pins I need XD!

Oh also people sharking you at PTN! This one guys offered me an entirely lopsided trade for one of my paris PTN's and i know they aren't worth the world but an open edition and a easy to get le 1000 are not my idea of a good trade (and he knew it too cause he had about a billion pins on his table!)

I may be new-ish but thats no reason to take advantage of me!
+1 to everyone - good thoughts, spot on.

What grinds my gears?! My budget! Darn having a budget. That and the fact that there just aren't enough hours in the day to just muck about with pins all day long. Life keeps getting in the way of my hobby!
One day, at pin trading...

I gave a pin-less little 4 yr old girl that wanted a pin some rack pin Minnie Mouse I was going to be trading to a CM maybe. What's one little pin? So what does little miss pin-less do? I didn't get a thank you. I got a, "I want THAT one." Her dad was a little unhappy and really did a great job letting his girl know that it was not good form. But I tell you, there MUST be something in the water...

Are you sure it's a fake? I've learned just because someone clims a pin is fake doesn't necessarily mean it really is a fake.
^I compared it side to side with someone who has the pin that was bought directly from Disney and you can see major differences. I still wouldn't trade/sell if I was suspicious of it though. That's not fair to other people.
There's a classic! I was told by a trader. who is also a CM, that my pin was a scrapper. The traders to the left and right heard her. Her boyfriend did not agree it was scrap, nor did two other people. did she apologize? No. Have I seen her since? No, and neither has anyone else.

I remember you told us about that one. That's not right. Some people are just so rude
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