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What is the most trade requests you have sent to one person at one time?

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What is the most trade requests you have sent to one person at one time?


Scrooge McDuck's #1 Nickel
DPF Correspondent
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This is a weird question, I know, but there is a "new" user on PinPics that all of a sudden, has a lot of wants that match my trades and vice versa.

According to PinPics, they have
4729 in their collection
3731 in their traders
54171 in their wants

In a direct comparison to me, I have 208 pins on their wants list and they have 22 pins I need (8 of which are a box set).

I have NEW in quotes since these trade potentials just went active over the last week or so, and they are for old pins as well as current pins and a couple not yet released, so was this an account that lapsed and has been renewed, someone listing for the first time though collecting for years, etc.

Currently, he has 92 trade requests from me alone today. If he had his/her e-mail listed, I would contact him directly to see if we could work something out.
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There is a way to see their email address.
The most I have had at one time is about 15 from one person and they wanted pins from the same series (letters)
Thats crazy!!!!!
Dan you have to send me the hidden secret to the email address because there is someone that I would love to send out a couple of requests to but there is no email listed and even though I have some of their wants the TA says that I don't have any pins the person is looking for. (I win for worlds longest run-on sentence, lol)
I did my twice-a-month trade blasts today and nailed an anonymous user with 1704 requests. I had 24 pins they wanted, and they had 71 pins I wanted, soooo.... yyyyeah.

Am I missing soemthing? Where do you hit "reply"?
When you receive a TA from someone and hit "reply" their e-mail address will appear in the "SEND TO" box.
I did my twice-a-month trade blasts today and nailed an anonymous user with 1704 requests. I had 24 pins they wanted, and they had 71 pins I wanted, soooo.... yyyyeah.

For our account, this request would probably end up in the SPAM file. We would not consider being blasted like that as a reasonable way to trade pins and would either hit delete or respond "no thanks". Trying to sort through that many requests would be a chore, not a way to enjoy a hobby...just our opinion!
When you receive a TA from someone and hit "reply" their e-mail address will appear in the "SEND TO" box.

That is where part of the confusion is. If I get a TA from someone, I hit reply and it shows their e-mail address. If I send a TA to someone, and I get the confirmation via PinPics the next morning, no, it does not show the e-mail address of the person I am trying to trade with.

I am trying to reach this person if at all possible directly, who has 22 pins I want and they want 208 pins I have. I am the one trying to trade, not them
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I don't get very many requests, and when I do they are usually Hidden Mickeys for my LE pins and when someone sends me something like that I delete. I will not dignify that with a response. I'm not being rude, I just feel that people should review their trades before they send them out.

Usually, when you get a bunch of trades from the same person though, it will come in one email, so it wouldn't go to your spam folder. I check mine for trade requests and they aren't in there. I guess nobody wants my pins... lol.
If someone actually had 70-some pins on my list and wanted to trade for a bunch of my pins then I'd be thrilled! So what if it is 1000 different combinations? I'd quickly scan the email to make sure it was pins I'd be interested in and then I'd move over to Pinpics and use the compare feature to see how we matched up and then I'd come up with an offer from there and tell the person I'm open to negotiation.

Spending a ton of time setting up perfect TAs when hardly anyone responds anyway is just silly to me. More than anything, to me the TA is just putting pins on the table. The parties need to be willing to communicate from there. I never understood why people say they want to trade but they don't really want to be an active participant in the process. Just replying "yes" with an address kind of misses the point of trading in the first place. If that's all people want to do, why not just buy and sell?
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Just replying "yes" with an address kind of misses the point of trading in the first place. If that's all people want to do, why not just buy and sell?

Sometimes I just reply with "yes", actually I did that this morning.

Sometimes, the person who made the offer might have offered the same pin to several people, which is often the case. Then (s)he trades the pin away to someone else who either responded before me or had a better pin than mine. If that is the case, I do not want to send my address info to a complete stranger - no offense to anyone.

I usually send something like "Thank you for the offer. I would like to make this trade. If your pin is still available, pls send me your address."

Just a bit safer that way, but that is just my opinion.
Some of us dont have the time

Lots of people don't have time. But if one person doesn't have time to review a trade request then who is to say the person that set it up didn't have the time to make it just perfect. Over the years I've run into a lot of "trade lazy" people. They expect you to do all the work to put an offer together and then just want to reply yes or no. No negotiating, no reason for saying no, no effort whatsoever on their part. I finally just got fed up with it and won't bother with those types anymore.

Nobody's time is more important than anyone else's and I personally would rather spend my time actually working out a trade with someone rather than slaving over the TA in hopes of just getting a response.

Yes, sometimes the TA comes up with a fair offer and that's fine. I'm really referring to the notion some have that traders should make sure that every TA went out perfect every time. If that were the case, very few TAs would go out at all because it isn't that easy unless you want to invest hours doing it.
Man, I would rather have the problem of beating away traders with a stick than not having anything of "value" to trade. Jmho
Hmm, I sent a load of requests to this same person. I'm actually, thinking about it now, a little concerned - it's not really normal to have so many pins on your wants list is it? So when we send TA requests out, the person gets our e-mail address...

Has anyone received any spam or anything? I might just be overly paranoid here, but if you think about it, with so many wants and so many good traders, they're going to get a LOT of people sending requests. Good way to get some e-mail addresses.
Just curious and confused...not trying to be confrontational...but how is it being "trade lazy" for a recipient to not want to scan through 1700 different requests when all the sender does is hits the TA for everything that matches on the wants/trades list? Shouldn't the effort come from both sides to come up with a fair trade?

Let's face it, we are all different. If we weren't things would be pretty boring. If some prefer to trade one way and others another, it doesn't make either one wrong...just different! Hopefully we can respect each other's differences and not let them get in the way of enjoying a common hobby.
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A funny update. I went looking for that user tonight as I noticed some of the potential trades are no longer available, and according to PinPics, there is no user registered under that screen name, so I wonder what happened?
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