What's your pin trading pet peeve?
O and too add to those peoples who response are "Sorry you dont have pins I need" then they add "but you can get that pin on ebay for 30 bucks"....Yes, I know. And now I know you just in it for the money......
Oh I've definitely done this, but just to give another perspective, Im always just trying to be helpful. Like, I want the other person to know, if the pin they requested in our trade is really important to them but I'm not interested in what they're offering, 'hey I saw it for sale so maybe you can grab it that way.'
Well, I'll tellya, this why I posted "d--d if I do, d--d if I don't" on that particular topic. Just the other day I got a trade request and in the comment section the trader specifically wrote something like "please don't respond if you are not interested in this trade." So I'm okay with responses or lack of to my trade requests. What I don't want, as a pin trader for close to 10 years, is a *response* that is a lecture about why (according to the responder), my trade request is not a fair one."This, however, des not excuse in my opinion the 'manners' of people who cannot be bothered to even acknowledge the request."