You know you're a pin shark when......

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You know you're a pin shark when......
You know you're a pin shark when...

You see another individual getting good offers for their pins and send private messages to the people offering in an attempt to steal the trade offer.

Has this happened to anyone else? It's happened to me numerous times, and each time pisses me off more than the last. :mad:
You know you're a pin shark when you quote HIGHEST eBay list prices for your pins and you quote LOWEST eBay sold prices for their pins. The nerve of some people. It's like, we all have eBay kid, we all know.
You know you're a pin shark when you have eBay pins listed at outrageous prices and 'Make Offer' option open, someone (cough, me) offers you a fair price a few dollars above what THEY ARE SELLING FOR IN THE SOLD section and they claim, no that pin is selling for WAY more than that. You send them SCREENSHOTS and then they are like, no sorry, can;t help you. This is rare/htf/gas labor etc.This has happened to me so many times on eBay. It's like, but but, I'm not stupid! In the sold section it shows this pin gong for about $$$ less than you are asking literally this month???? :/
You know you're a pin shark when you have eBay pins listed at outrageous prices and 'Make Offer' option open, someone (cough, me) offers you a fair price a few dollars above what THEY ARE SELLING FOR IN THE SOLD section and they claim, no that pin is selling for WAY more than that. You send them SCREENSHOTS and then they are like, no sorry, can;t help you. This is rare/htf/gas labor etc.This has happened to me so many times on eBay. It's like, but but, I'm not stupid! In the sold section it shows this pin gong for about $$$ less than you are asking literally this month???? :/

This one wins the game.
You know you're a pin shark when you have eBay pins listed at outrageous prices and 'Make Offer' option open, someone (cough, me) offers you a fair price a few dollars above what THEY ARE SELLING FOR IN THE SOLD section and they claim, no that pin is selling for WAY more than that. You send them SCREENSHOTS and then they are like, no sorry, can;t help you. This is rare/htf/gas labor etc.This has happened to me so many times on eBay. It's like, but but, I'm not stupid! In the sold section it shows this pin gong for about $$$ less than you are asking literally this month???? :/

LOL thats great. I've actually watched pins and if they get relisted enough times, I just offer retail plus $3 for shipping. In case you're wondering, it's only worked once...
Disclaimer: this is not directed at any one person as I see it all the time. :) You know you're a pin shark when you list pins on the for sale board at DPF and those same pins are listed on eBay with a buy it now price much less than yours and the eBay seller is offering free shipping to boot.

And yes, I have been a shark. I resold a set of pins like 2 years ago because a crazy home repair bill came out of nowhere and I still feel guilty for it.
You know you're a pin shark when you list Hidden Mickeys and rack pins on eBay followed by "HTF; Grail; Rare; Sold Out (is this even possible?)" or something like it to justify the price increase.
You know you're a pin shark when you heard that PTD's were sold out you started DUMPING everything possible to make rent tomorrow!
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