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  1. Ninpin

    The Good Dinosaur Fake/Scrapper Pins Thread

    Since I've been on the look out for new Good Dinosaur pins, I was surprised to find a unique one coming from a known scrapper seller in China today (I didn't buy it, but it's on eBay if you search). I've never seen this pin before, and I have no idea if it's a flat out fake or if it's a scrapper...
  2. Ninpin

    Scrapper Warning (DLRP/DSF)

    Sorry if this is old news! The notorious seller from Hong Kong with the cool name on eBay recently started selling some new DLRP and DSF pins. Now, I am not sure if all of them are "newly" scrappered, but I know he started selling some that I have been watching for a long time, so I know those...
  3. unibear

    Problem with buying pins from a specific online store

    A few weeks ago, there was a post asking if anyone had purchased from a specific online website (www.yourwdwstore.net). Several people mentioned that they had purchased from them in the past and had positive experiences. So, I decided to buy two pins from them. They sent the pins quickly, but...