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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
WOW really hehe
Oh yes OMG me too i was going to close down all the windows on the computer so it would help it run faster but i was freaking out so i decided tio talk to you guys will i was waiting SOOOO glad i did:D

Oh i am so happy to help you and the others. I just think i am one of the first to order that o_O 9:02...is good time..i think.

Ok im off to bed thankyou Rose and eveyrone for all the suport:D so glad i managed to get them:)
Good luck to everyone trying online :)
German store is now sold out of everything but Rapunzel too.

EDIT: Okay, scratch that. Rapunzel sold out as well, it's just not showing on the main page.
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I'm so nervous! My work schedule got changed at the last minute so I have a little time to try and order them before I have to clock in! I hijacked a wifi box from work and have a plan to try and speedily order my dolls! I hoping at least for aurora! Good luck everyone I hope you all get your dolls today! :hug:
I made an order at 9:03 for Aurora, Rapunzel and Tiana. At that moment Jasmine and Pocahontas were not available. After my initial order they became available and I made another order. The site returned an error message and told me to try again. I did. And again. And again.

Then I called my bank to find that all those retries had each made a reservation from my account leaving me with no money. They said they could increase my credit limit until I can sort things out with Disney, but while I was on the phone with my bank Jasmine sold out so I told them to forget it.

I called Disney and after some searching they were able to locate my order(s) for Jasmine and Pocahontas. Unfortunately at that point they could do nothing to help me get the dolls, but at least I got my money back instantly.

So I'm out of Jasmine and Pocahontas and earlier Snow White. Surprisingly I'm not on too foul a mood as Aurora was my number one priority and the Disney people told me I should be getting her with Rapunzel and Tiana. Also, even though the DSUK site left me in a lurch (again) the people I talked to on the phone were most helpful and nice so I couldn't have been angry had I wanted to.

The US site sale starts at the same moment my yoga lesson does, and even though I want the dolls, I'm thinking I'm not going to skip my class for them.

So, I have Ariel, Cinderella, Belle and Mulan (her accidentally twice), and I should be getting Aurora, Rapunzel and Tiana as well. I consider myself lucky considering the difficulties some people here have encountered. Good luck to everyone trying their luck at DS later today!
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I have to say I was very happy with the Menlo Park Mall in Nj. My husband woke op at 4 and went to the mall. There were already people there making a list hubby was nber 8 pr 9. They were made to stay in cars until about 530. After that they lined up outside of entrance nearest to store and were escorted in at around 6
Everyone lined up at the Disney store. Security was very nice and stayed near line. The group of people were very nice on the line. No one was too loud or crazy. I joined my husband at 9 with the kids and the cast members came out around 930 to hand out tickets. Hubby was able to complete my daughters set
I think Menlo may have had around 25 sets and some extras. They had one Jasmine that the box was broken
They said that would have no discount. I'm sure someone bought it because I guess a broken box is better than no doll
Our dollmagedon was very uneventful.
Yes there were eBayers on line in front if Hubby. A family of 5 that included their 80 grandmother
But I think one of them was going to keep their set. I just can't imagine asking an aged family member to stand on line for hours.
Anyway good luck USA peeps trying online today!
The time has almost come! Yay! I can't wait.

Hey guys, please remember this is a really bad economy. Many people are in need of money just to keep a roof over their head and food on the table for their family. If this is a way for them to make a bit of money to do that then so be it. We should be so thankful that we have extra money to buy these collectible items and still be able to afford everything else we need. We really are very lucky. Just don't judge others. You don't know what their circumstances are.
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