Cue the end of the world.........
Okay, where is the best place to get it at WDW, because that's where I will be for the pin release!
OMG people it is Not end of the world you will still do pins next year too just go to the website I kown you are not reading my post you are just skipping my post
Will you be here? Every park has them at one location and DTD has them at Pin Traders. DTD seems to be the busiest. I have always had good luck at any of the parks. PM me if you want more info.
i am relax why would any one start a conversation like i kwon it is a joke there are family on this siteChillax, broseph. We're all just joking around. Nobody knows when the end of the world will actually be, so we'll just sit back, relax, and flail over some ADORABLE tangled pins
All of the pin shops in DLR will have them :0) these release will be a little busier than normal - but I am sure it will be ok. Definitely not the end of the world.
Well the thing is its NOT 1k per park. The reason WDW always has extras and more scenes than DLR is because DLR only gets 500. Thats why at DLR they sell out almost first day unlike WDW who get 1500 pins.
I'm also wondering if all of the upcoming pomh scenes will have two scenes and not just one, the way toy story did.