Lansam Pinpics Banning MORE Users. WATCH OUT!
Dawn - you can just pull up your complete collection and page-by-page highlight all the lines, right click to copy, then open an Excel spreadsheet and paste them into one document. You have to do this after each page - so if you have 10 pages of owned pins, you have to copy-paste each page.
I actually do this on a monthly basis so I always have an updated list of what I own. I do the same thing for my trades and wants.
Whole process takes about 15-20 minutes a month.
Others may have better/other suggestions...I am always looking for better ways to do things!
ok heidi--- sounds good. Im not being panicky just i like organization and that would be great. Hey heidi are you able to head to fla in july? Are you doing sept? let me know.