Displaying PODMs?

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Displaying PODMs?


Jr. Goon
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southern california
Hello everyone! :)
I need help.I only have one PODM and I use a cork board for my pins. How can I display it so it looks nice with light shinnig through it? :dunno:
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attatch them to low heat lit lamp shades? Buy some of those white lamp shades, put in a low watt/low heat bulb, attatch your pins. Makes a great convo piece in the living room on the end tables....
I don't think you'll be able to display them on cork board by itself. You'll have to cut a hole for the cell to be lit up from behind. Plus these pins are so nice they should have their own display and not on cork boards!
Thats what I was afraid of :sad: I would make a display for it but i'm not sire how and I only have one and I only want little mermaid PODMs so I would have 2 et way more before I even think about making a display
Must be very cautious about heat. Heat will destroy the movie cell. Have you tried putting a white sheet of paper behind the pin? Sometimes, it is just enough to see the cell.
You could do my idea? I don't have a LM PODM yet but if/when I get one I know what I want to do with it. Put it in a frame (which will be lit but I don't know how, hoping that the nice people at wilkinsons can help me as I want a lightbox but have no idea what exactly that are) in the centre, with film cells surrounding it. starry_solo linked me to someone n ebay selling about 30 LM film cells for a decent price so I'd get them and put them around the pin all lit up :)
I use a lamp and it looks really spiffy! I also put my thumper stained glass pin on there too. I used an economy bulb and a white lampshade, they light up really well and it was cheap cause I already had the lamp.
I really like the idea of grouping the PODM and the stained glass (stained plastic??) pins together on a lampshade. That must look so cool!
You could do my idea? I don't have a LM PODM yet but if/when I get one I know what I want to do with it. Put it in a frame (which will be lit but I don't know how, hoping that the nice people at wilkinsons can help me as I want a lightbox but have no idea what exactly that are) in the centre, with film cells surrounding it. starry_solo linked me to someone n ebay selling about 30 LM film cells for a decent price so I'd get them and put them around the pin all lit up :)

I love tis idea!!! :D but i feel bad useing your idea :(
I have most of my pins in a pin bag and I attached a plain white piece of computer paper (stuck it through the posts, then cut off the excess so you couldn't see it from the front). You can see the picture but it's a bit dark.
Take a look at these two threads for some AWESOME PODM displays:



Also, be very careful when displaying these pins on any lamp with incandescent bulbs. They become very hot, even the low wattage bulbs, and can melt the cels or at a minimum bubble up the glue that holds the cels in place. Take a look at this thread, and note that this person was ONLY using a flashlight to photograph the pins:

I have yet to do this, but I wanted to do something similar for my stained glass castle pins. I found a string of 10 Xmas lights that are battery operated. I was going to put the pins in a frame, cut the cork behind the stained glass part and then put one of each of the lights behind each pin except the jumbo would have the last 4. Unfortunately I'm not hand with any type of tools so it is still a pipe dream.....
I have yet to do this, but I wanted to do something similar for my stained glass castle pins. I found a string of 10 Xmas lights that are battery operated. I was going to put the pins in a frame, cut the cork behind the stained glass part and then put one of each of the lights behind each pin except the jumbo would have the last 4. Unfortunately I'm not hand with any type of tools so it is still a pipe dream.....

This is what we did. We bought the lights on ebay for super cheap to use for our display. The nice thing with the battery operated ones is that you can choose to turn them on whenever you want to look at them. Most people are afraid of ruining the cells with lights, but who is really going to leave the lights on 24/7? The pins are so nice by themselves that they don't need to be lit up all the time, only when you're showing someone or want to admire them yourself.

We started out by stapling the lights to the backboard of our display, which took a lot of time and a steady hand (if you puncture the wire, your lights are history). When I got the brighter lights for my display I decided to be lazy and tape the lights down. The strand of lights I got had 30 lights on it, so I bundled 3 lights together behind each cell (one light just isn't bright enough). You also have to put some kind of paper behind the cell or else you see the lights when you're trying to look at it lit up.

You can see our finished display on our show room thread: http://disneypinforum.com/showthrea...y-Movies-scenes!-Updated-with-2012!-IMG-HEAVY

One last bit of advice when you buy the lights... DO NOT GET WARM WHITE LIGHTS!!!!! These are NOT bright enough! Make sure you get PURE WHITE or COOL WHITE, as those are much brighter!
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