Just my .02 cents, I live in FL and agree that we don't have the advantage of those in Cali with the low edition pins. I am extremely thankful for those in CA that take their time, do the time camping out, and share one of their two pins with us.
when I like a pin, I like to get two, one to keep one to trade or sell to afford to buy a different pin.
If I get two pins and share that pin with someone, my trader is gone, and thus I am thankful for the occasions when people will offer to get me a pin I like.
one thing I don't think is fair, is to expect that others will always do that, I may be able to share that second pin with a Stitch release, but not with a tangled or a marquee or a lower edition pin.
I think one of the things that bothers me the most is when people talk about things not being fair. The world we live in in NOT fair and I personally like it that way.
when people don't work hard for the things they want we tend to take things for granted and expect to be rewarded the same as others who maybe are doing all the work. I like the fact that we have the freedom to camp out if we want to, to pay extra if we want to, to sell the pins in order to buy other pins if we want to.
also, no matter how you slice it, the buyers sets the price, there are pins that are being over priced on eBay and listings are expiring without being sold. Those sellers will have to either lower their prices or keep the pins. Example... Princess Ball event pins.
i think it would be selfish to have someone do all the work of getting pins, spending time in lines, gas, etc, and do it all for nothing. When a product comes out that I must have I camp out at the stores to make sure I get it. I did it for my cell phone, for my Ipad2, oh not to mention video games, and at times for black Fridays. I actually know many people who love the experience of camping out. I am excited to get my brave pins, I can't wait!
I think one solution would be to have Disney bring a similar pin distributor to other parks, and release different pins, so we could then have incentive to keep pins we get and trade for them.
Ultimately, I love the freedom we have to camp out, to ask and pay what we want, to decide how hard we want to work or pay for a pin. It is that freedom that allows us to have choices and to strive to work hard. Even if at times I don't get what I want and someone else does, it's ok, that's a good thing if you think about it.