I propose RAK attaks!

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I propose RAK attaks!


EVERYPONY calm the buck down!
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Victorville, CA
R A K is Random Acts of Kindness.

Rak attacks are once a month there is an annonymous vote for someone who needs a pick me up. Some one who is really kind, or is having the worst week/month/year of forever.

And at the end of the month everyone send a pin to that one person! Kind of like mass zapping! But with a special cause.

Would anyone want to play? To make someones day better?
R A K is Random Acts of Kindness.

Rak attacks are once a month there is an annonymous vote for someone who needs a pick me up. Some one who is really kind, or is having the worst week/month/year of forever.

And at the end of the month everyone send a pin to that one person! Kind of like mass zapping! But with a special cause.

Would anyone want to play? To make someones day better?

LoL I wanted to propose something like this a while back but I never posted it . I'm part of a reefers club called northern valley reefers for people that have salt water aquariums and we do something like this but with corals . So I think this is a great idea. Also I have a question what is zapping? I would like to nominate the first person if I can? I believe becca should be the first because she made a lot of people signature and I thought that was very nice . She made one for me and my wife.
wow..that sounds real cool. I bet that would be a real pick me up. Even just kind words can make everything feel better sumtimes... DPF is the best !!!!
Let's see here... Am I willing to give up one of my special little Disney Gems just to try to make someone feel better....
Of Course I am...LOL... That's just silly...

But please let's not just choose the Woe is Me type people or those who complain that their life sucks all the time... Everyone has problems in life... Perhaps suggestions by other members of people who would deserve it... Someone in the hospital... A loss of a loved one... But not just the 'Woe is Me' people... Just my opinion...
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wow. sounds awesome. I will happily join in. Who is gonna handle these mass zaps? How do we keep quiet who the next "target" is?

This thread will prolly get moved to the PIF/Zap sub forum of trade/want huh?
Eric... The salt water aquariums and corals are just code words for what the NV Reefers really trade isn't it...LOL

LoL I wanted to propose something like this a while back but I never posted it . I'm part of a reefers club called northern valley reefers for people that have salt water aquariums and we do something like this but with corals . So I think this is a great idea. Also I have a question what is zapping? I would like to nominate the first person if I can? I believe becca should be the first because she made a lot of people signature and I thought that was very nice . She made one for me and my wife.
Let's see here... Am I willing to give up one of my special little Disney Gems just to try to make someone feel better....
Of Course I am...LOL... That's just silly...

But please let's not just choose the Woe is Me type people or those who complain that their life sucks all the time... Everyone has problems in life... Perhaps suggestions by other members of people who would deserve it... Someone in the hospital... A loss of a loved one... But not just the 'Woe is Me' people... Just my opinion...

This is pretty much what I was thinking as well. Not everyone i as open to share what is going wrong in their lives . . . . also I think if too many people are having a rough time and then they don't get picked it might make them feel worse - and I dont want to see that happen.
Here is an exact copy of the post for the art site where we do this, I'll edit it to fit rules we have here or come up with!

Atcsforall said:
Welcome to the August 2012 RAK Attack!

A RAK is a Random Act of Kindness, and a RAK Attack is this group of participants mailing some sort of surprise to a ‘victim’ who is selected by nominations through private messages sent by you. Please try to send the name/user name of the ATCsforALL member and their address (if available) when you sign up. (Please one nominee, per person.)​

This is not a popularity contest it is simply our small way of spreading cheer in our little community. This particular RAK is intended for members of ATCsforALL. If you have friends in need of a RAK feel free to open a new thread and let us know, there's always someone to step up and contribute.

One person per month, not the same person in a year. A list is maintained to assure no repeats. If you nominate someone who is ineligible I will send you a private message to send in alternate nominations. The RAK host (me) cannot be RAKed.

Who to nominate and why?
Any member who is going through a rough time and could use a smile, who has been especially helpful or accommodating, the victim does not have to be a participant in the monthly RAK, just any member of ATCsforALL.​

What to Send On a RAK Attack
Anything Goes: ATCs, Arty bits, cards, Handwritten written wishes on handmade or pretty stationary, Envies, Handmade stationary for gift, Candy, cookies, Stickers, Books, Artwork, Encouraging words, Poetry, favorite quotes. You decide what to send based on how much time you have and what your budget is, look to the supplies you already have and all it will cost you is a stamp.

How Do I participate?:
1. Post in this thread to sign up

2. PM me one member nomination and their address, if you have this info, it is extremely helpful. This information is always kept secret from the participants so do not ask. (If you don't have anyone to nominate, that's OK, you can still play!)

3. I will PM you all with the address of the RAK recipient.

Expect to see this info around the 27th-31th of July. You can only receive this information from the host (me) so please do not ask others.

This is a surprise! Please do not tell the RAK recipient-let them find out in the mail.

Please PM me if you have any questions.

Remember, the RAK is to bring a smile to somebody and show them we care.

All participants welcomed! Nominations accepted until the 25th of July

Here's how we could edit it for our site, starting this/next month:

disneypinforum said:
Welcome to the September 2012 RAK Attack!

A RAK is a Random Act of Kindness, and a RAK Attack is this group of participants mailing some sort of surprise to a ‘victim’ who is selected by nominations through private messages sent by you. Please try to send the name/user name of the DPF member and their address (if available) when you sign up. (Please one nominee, per person.)

This is not a popularity contest it is simply our small way of spreading cheer in our little community. This particular RAK is intended for members of DPF. If you have friends in need of a RAK feel free to open a new thread and let us know, there's always someone to step up and contribute.

One person per month, not the same person in a year. A list is maintained to assure no repeats. If you nominate someone who is ineligible I will send you a private message to send in alternate nominations. The RAK host (me) cannot be RAKed.

Who to nominate and why?
Any member who is going through a rough time and could use a smile, who has been especially helpful or accommodating, the victim does not have to be a participant in the monthly RAK, just any member of DPF.

What to Send On a RAK Attack
Anything Goes: Pins, Arty bits, cards, Handwritten written wishes on handmade or pretty stationary, Handmade stationary, Candy, cookies, Stickers, Books, Artwork, Encouraging words, Poetry, favorite quotes. You decide what to send based on how much time you have and what your budget is, look to the supplies you already have and all it will cost you is a stamp.

How Do I participate?:
1. Post in this thread to sign up

2. PM me a one member nomination and their address, if you have this info, it is extremely helpful. This information is always kept secret from the participants so do not ask. (If you don't have anyone to nominate, that's OK, you can still play!)

3. I will PM you all with the address of the RAK recipient.

Expect to see this info around the 27th-31th of August. You can only receive this information from the host (me) so please do not ask others.

This is a surprise! Please do not tell the RAK recipient-let them find out in the mail.

Please PM me if you have any questions.

Remember, the RAK is to bring a smile to somebody and show them we care.

All participants welcomed! Nominations accepted until the 25th of August

And I wouldn't mind hosting it.
This sounds really nice! Count me in.

But for what its worth, I agree with Goofy Moe - I think it would be nice if the people who received the RAK attacks were nominated by other people, not themselves...

Let's see here... Am I willing to give up one of my special little Disney Gems just to try to make someone feel better....
Of Course I am...LOL... That's just silly...

But please let's not just choose the Woe is Me type people or those who complain that their life sucks all the time... Everyone has problems in life... Perhaps suggestions by other members of people who would deserve it... Someone in the hospital... A loss of a loved one... But not just the 'Woe is Me' people... Just my opinion...
Oh that's wonderful. And a lot easier logistically than I thought, if one person is willing to do all the hosting and listkeeping. Thank you for being willing! I'm totally in.
Oh yes, you cannot nominate yourself
It's for people who have been extremely helpful, who are helpful and are having a bad time

Like some of the rules say, it's not a popularity contest. It's not because you simply like someone...plus I'm sure the people who are voting in secret (people who choose to play) will pick who they want.

Because of that it usually is someone who really deserves it, you know, because people will keep voting for certain people for a reason.
What if people just start making up bullsh*t stories?? Also what is so "random" about this?? If it was really a random act of kindness, somebody would just do it out of the kindness of their heart. Not a planned out thread about who has the saddest story.

Am so sorry, but count me out of this. I really don't see this ending well.
Since the description also says to think of people who are kind and accommodating, I doubt it would go to the kind of person who'd make up a story. Also I doubt many people would make up a story just to get this, since it doesn't have to be pins, it doesn't have to be expensive, etc., and the limit is once a year per person. Few people would make up a sob story in public just to get some cards and letters once a year.

I think in any system there might be some who try to abuse it, but I don't think that's a reason not to do it.

Romancing_Train, since you're on a site that's already doing this-- does that site have any problems with people trying to abuse it?

(Edited this post because I realized I addressed it to the wrong person; I was thinking it was Crashmyparty who had started this. Sorry about that.)
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