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ZAPPED! Little Sister Zapped :)

ZAPPED! Little Sister Zapped :)


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Such a good feeling to start the week with. I had set up a trade with Grace (chibichewii) for some of her crests. I jokingly told her that I should be upset with her, since she opened up a can of worms and I would have to buy the rest of the set for my little sister. My little sister was supposed to get Rapunzel, Ariel, and Belle from her, and to our surprise Grace also included the Cinderella crest :) I had bought Aurora and Tiana on ebay (also arrived today), so now my little sister is almost finished with the set!

Thank you so much Grace, for the trade and especially for the zap! Funds are tight right now and it means so much that you helped us with this set that my little sister has had her eye on. I have had some really awesome experiences on this forum in the last few months, and I am lucky to be here among all of you great people. Can't wait to trade with you again in the future Grace, and I wish you the best pin karma!
That's wonderful!! Such a nice thing to hear with all the negativity going on :) thank you for sharing this.

I have you to thank as well Angelina for that awesome TLM PODM trade we did a few weeks back :) Another example of how great and genuine some people can be. I appreciate all of the good people on this forum!