Bottom line is...the people that waited in line and purchased these pins can frankly do whatever they want with them. They can sell their pins, hoard their pins for a few years to see if the prices skyrocket, decide to trade them only for grails, or let their dog chew on them.
When the Designer Doll craze was in full swing and I waited in line for hours to try and purchase the dolls, only to find out that the first 30 or so people in line would get them (and many of the people in the front of the line were obviously scalpers or people that brought friends to purchase extras) it was upsetting, but they waited longer than I did, so I have no one to blame but myself...I can not get worked up over something that is out of my control.
I also live in Florida, and wish we had something comparable to DSF in terms of nice, lower LE pins...but we should also consider ourselves lucky that we have the opportunity to go to Disney World easily...and we get a larger supply of PODM's than California gets. It's all relative...because I'm sure the people that don't live near a park at all would love the opportunity to get some of these pins without going through eBay, or hoping that someone on here will be nice enough to purchase pins for them.
I am also sure many people would kill for the Alice in Wonderland collection you have acquired over the years, and will never in their lifetime see some of the pins you have in your possession...and I'm sure you had to pay a lot or trade a lot to get some of those pins.
I'd be willing to bet many of the people that wait in line at DSF to get these sought-after pins do it so they can compete with the "big-time" traders like yourself, by purchasing traders worthy of competing with the older pins that came out before they started trading. So can I fault them for trying to sell or trade them for something valuable? Not really.
Someone is always going to have something you want, you are always going to have something they want. is upsetting that Cali gets most of the sought-after pins these days, but if you want them you either have to:
-Give in to the current eBay prices
-Wait a while and see if the prices drop, although this is a gamble...I waited for the $100 Rapunzel reveal/conceal to drop in price...boy did that backfire on me! LOL
-Find someone that is willing to trade you this pin for a "fair" value
-Find someone REALLY nice that will sell you one at cost
Unfortunately, there is really nothing more you can do.