Shocked and Surprised

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Yes Mark, you are right . I need to watch the way I type things . Think before I type . I didn't mean to stereotype all the traders in Cali . I'm sure they are just as frustrated as we would be if we were put in that situation .
Who was it that mentioned the Desgner Dolls . That was an excellent example . I'd be frustrated if I lived in Cali, near DSF, WDI, DLR and wanted to get a pin super bad only to find out 150 people were ahead of me aand half were only there to make money on ebay . Too my Cali pin traders, I apologize . I didn't mean to make it sound like it did . I should just SHUT UP ! I always open mouth and insert foot .
And yes Crystal please, I truly meant that offer . I know there is an LE 500 Halloween pin the first night . Aurora Valiant & Villianous , just to name a few .
Everyone chill, where is Margaret, she started this post . :lol:
It always sucks missing out on a popular pin release like this one, especially when there's an UP pin :( As an Up collector, I'm okay with paying $200 for the pin. That's part of collecting. You buy what you really want. If you don't want to pay the price, you must not really want the pin. To be honest, I think this pin is one of the coolest pins I've ever seen, and I'll pay a pretty penny for it. That's just part of collecting :)

It's sad how ugly people get in line over little pieces of metal. I mean, that's really all they are. Maybe worth 2 bucks in production? I don't know. But it makes me sad to see how worked up people get over these pins. I mean, come on. There are far worse things in life to be worried about.

On a side note, I don't understand why DSF can't put a 1 pin per person limit. I think it would make their events/releases less stressful.
I know there is an LE 500 Halloween pin the first night . Aurora Valiant & Villianous , just to name a few .

Is this true ?? I would love one ... or two .... Debi, pls keep me in mind, pretty please with cherry on top :)
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As the new guy here I would have to say that it seems that there has been a spike in pin trading in the last year. I know that I really got into this year and resisted for a long time. In any collectable market this is a common thing. Now there's more people at the party and less party favors if you will. In the last 6 months since I started collecting I have seen and all kinds of crazy things about the hobby none of which is uncommon in any supply and demand hobby. Anywhere in any hobby if there is an opportunity to turn a buck, someone will get the idea to try and make that buck. The one really cool thing I have found in this year has been the all of the people that I have met at PTN's or just trading over the web has been very cool. That makes me want to keep trading and collecting and not worry about the price gaugers.
Speaking from my perspective:

I really am disliking people getting on "California" traders. It's not like I chose to live here for pins. Is it my fault they build the Disney Soda Fountain here or Disneyland? No. I am not a cast member so WDI and Company D pins do not reflect anything on what I can get. Honestly, I think its not fair to really throw out and complain about a person's location. That is pin trading. I mean I think Paris has some nice pins but I am not gonna post a thread bashing them for it. That is the game of "pin trading" you buy pins from your area and trade.

Ebay, it is a collectable hobby. That is how things are. I mean, we cannot do anything about it. LE- limited edition. That is just how things are. Means limited. We all know this. We all know this. We all value our pins at a price. Noone here can say they don't. That is why you feel its unfair because you value that pin not as high as your others. That is why your upset. If it were you and didn't value your pins a certain way you would just trade whatever you didn't care about for a pin you really wanted regardless of dollar value on that pin.

So, you can do a few different things.

A) Make a friend from a different area: IE: CA, Paris, Japan etc. That will pick things up for you and visa versa to them.

B) Trade the pin using pin pics or DPF with other members

C) Write and complain on a thread and make other people want to do less for you.

People who make me feel back about living in California and just happen to get into pin trading and I just happen to live near the DSF are people I don't care to do anything for. I want to help people who care about me and make me feel good about who I am and not bash me on things that do not define who I am. Personally, I have made friends and try and go out of my way to help them if I can. I have a little circle of trust and if your in it, I pretty much do anything I can for you knowing that those people also stick their necks out for me too. That is friendship that comes before pins. I hate when people make me feel like their pin mule. For my friends, my true friends, I would pretty much do anything I can for them. So, I advise people who may have posted negative things about CA people to back off and maybe listen to a person who has put a mental list together of people I would never help due to how they handle themselves.
Dsf releases suck now. Enough said. Pin trading is going down hill for me. Oh well. Let's just all be patient eventually we will be able to get the pins we want. I just got my holy grail which was robin hood white glove. I've been looking for it since I started trading. That was almost five years ago. We will all get what we want someday
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Dsf releases suck now. Enough said. Pin trading is going down hill for me. Oh well. Let's just all be patient eventually we will be able to get the pins we want. I just got my holy grail which was robin hood white glove. I've been looking for it since I started trading. That was almost five years ago. We will all get what we want someday

I just got that pin too!!! It was one of the first pins I ever wanted. :0)
Hey I like Robin Hood....they should make more robin hood pins LOL totally off topic. I hate all you california people! again JKJK you guys get all the fun and SUN DARN YOU. As a side note to make us all feel better i saw a guy on some show pay $1200 for a toaster from 1910---dontcha feel better about that pin you paid alot for????:naughty:
My wife has a saying for me, "Insert shoe store." Kinda like "Double facepalm, when one facepalm is not enough." Insert shoe store, because one shoe isn't enough. LOL
Hey I like that Mark . I just had a nice private talk with someone a lot younger than I and she put things in perspective for me . I feel like such an idiot . I did not realize that I was coming off as an unkind person . Trust me I am the biggest baby when it comes to someone hurting my feelings and here I am coming off like *that person* that I dislike the most . Right here and now , I am going to think before I post or read it first to see how it sounds before i post it . I didn't realize that i was coming off as an unkind opinionated person .
I care about all my pin trading friends from east to west to over the pond . I promise from this day forward to do better . To be the kind, caring, person that others know me as once they meet me and not this wicked person on the other side of the screen .
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I am going to be honest here....

I have seen several pins that has been released at DSF and Disneyland and WDW throughout from "news" on the forums. I live 15 minutes away from San Francisco. And of course I am no where close to the parks or the DSF (6 hour drive). I like the fact that these pins can be a mission for me to hunt and find the pin through trading or maybe eBay (if I have money at the time). Anyways the point is, I am not complaining but I think it's awesome that the people who got the surprise release UP Beloved Tales got the pin. I just know for a fact if there is a pin being released somewhere and I cant be there to get it I will just wait until my time comes and what I mean by that once again, I know I may get it through trading or buying. I am not going to cry or make a big deal out of it because I wasn't there to get the pin at the release. It's just part of life. You cant get everything you want. Just be patience and someday it might be yours when you look for it. I like it that way because it makes it fun for me to hunt and try trading for it. I don't care about the prices of the pins that people sell it for. I am not going to complain but if its a pin that I really really want who knows I may consider paying a crazy amount for it.

So calm down everyone lol....
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I am going to be honest here....

I have seen several pins that has been released at DSF and Disneyland and WDW throughout from "news" on the forums. I live 15 minutes away from San Francisco. And of course I am no where close to the parks or the DSF (6 hour drive). I like the fact that these pins can be a mission for me to hunt and find the pin through trading or maybe eBay (if I have money at the time). Anyways the point is, I am not complaining but I think it's awesome that the people who got the surprise release UP Beloved Tales got the pin. I just know for a fact if there is a pin being released somewhere and I cant be there to get it I will just wait until my time comes and what I mean by that once again, I know I may get it through trading or buying. I am not going to cry or make a big deal out of it because I wasn't there to get the pin at the release. It's just part of life. You cant get everything you want. Just be patience and someday it might be yours when you look for it. I like it that way because it makes it fun for me to hunt and try trading for it. I don't care about the prices of the pins that people sell it for. I am not going to complain but if its a pin that I really really want who knows I may consider paying a crazy amount for it.
Well Said Marcia ! It is the thrill of the hunt . :)
I was having DPF drama withdrawals... Lol... But in all honesty pin trading is a give and take hobby. I've had to pay a lot of money for the pins I own especially the podms, I don't live near the parks and the closest is a six hour drive or $180 flight which I'm not willing to spend on a pin so I have to deal with the second choice, auction sites. I've had a few people here help me out but the majority just doesn't, I don't blame them though because I know how hardcore pin trading has gotten with fights happening and people camping. I know that I would put more value on those pins just because of that. Another thing is that wether old or new, we all value our pins differently. As a new trader I know getting hot pins that are new is really the only thing I have to compete or get pins from the seasoned traders, it is the only way to get a hold of the older pins which are just as high valued as the new, i believe it balances pin trading and allows for more people to join. I'm guessing that I'm not the only one starting off that feels the same way thus the value of the new pins is set high, I'm not saying its a good thing but it's just my perspective.

That being said we are people not rabid dogs, have some class and stop badgering each other. When I started pin trading it was because the people I met were awesome, made me feel welcomed, and we're very helpful. I feel like the madness of the pin releases is turning people and traders against each other. I hope this is not the case.

Tinker..."that i was coming off as an unkind opinionated person"... That's the stereotype we have of people on the east coast in but in all seriousness she is not like that, she is one of the nice ones that I've had the pleasure of conversing with... Happy trading y'all!!
I was lucky enough to catch someone selling the Up BT at a BIN of $100 and jumped on it. I plan on using it to trade for hopefully a harder tangled want and if it were to happen that one of them were to pop up on the bay I would not be above selling it for whatever I could to obtain that Tangled pin. I guess it just depends on the motives. With the Lion King PODM I originally wanted to sell them to get the pins I am trying to collect, but have found that I was able to trade some to get the pins I wanted, I did end up selling one of them on there and that profit just goes towards the amount I originally spent to obtain the pins I did. I think its just how you are selling them, I know thatI dont make a living on the pins I sell on the bay because most of the money I make I end up spending on more pins.. :shock:
It's sad how ugly people get in line over little pieces of metal. I mean, that's really all they are. Maybe worth 2 bucks in production? I don't know. But it makes me sad to see how worked up people get over these pins. I mean, come on. There are far worse things in life to be worried about.

If an Olympic bronze metal is only worth $4.71, I would say that a Disney pin costs 5 cents in production (how else can the scrappers only sell for $0.50)


P.S. If anything I've said here offends you or makes you feel bad, I apologize in advance. There is no intention to hurt anyone here.
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I think something that MarkHeard mentioned is very true: the economy is in the toilet and many people see this as a very lucrative supplemental income. I'd venture to say many of the people who camp out are unemployed and therefore it's very easy for them to devote that many hours to waiting in line. I have to wonder how crazy these releases would have been if it were, say, 2005 when everyone had their false wealth from home equity.

I'm still amazed at it all. I remember walking in casually to DSF one night, NOT even looking for pins, and saw the Muppets marquee, thought it was cute and bought it. End of story. Didn't even know if they had a Facebook page then nor did I know about any of these boards. Since then, I did try to go to the Storybook release and, of course, wasn't in the first 150 so I left. Small consolation that those are already dropping to affordable prices.

Basically I think any pin, aside from those in the very elite few categories, eventually comes down to an affordable price. I'm willing to wait - that's what the Watched Items feature on ebay is for.
Translation's words not mine: Okay, not to be mean, but...

This post reminds me exactly of how a little child acts when they are upset. You are mad because you did not get the four pins you wanted, so now you are blaming others and threatening to pack up all your toys and go home.

My question is: why do you feel entitled to these pins? You didnt' camp out overnight to get them and unfortunately, it sounds like you are not willing to pay the, albeit extremely high, going prices for them. Just because you have been collecting the Beloved Tales series for a long time and are a long time pin trader and "good person" does not earn you these pins. A lot of people want them. Unfortunately not everyone can get them. That's how life works. But creating a post to chastise others because you didn't get your way is not a proper way to handle the situation."

Let me try to answer you. #1, I do NOT feel entitled to these pins. I feel like I would LIKE to have these pins, but because of greedy people - maybe I won't.
#2 I did not camp out because I live in FLorida. #3 It's not that I can't pay the price, it's that I WON'T pay for someone else's greed. I just pointed out and put in words what a lot of people are thinking. #4 I think that being a "good person" is it's own reward. I'd rather be a good person than a bad one. Do I know being a good person earns me no pins - not true. I've had people make trades with me because I am a good person. #5 I realize that not everyone who wants them will get them. And yes that is life. But you really should follow your OWN advice and not chastise me for chastising others. So now, it's it Monkey see, Monkey do translation?
First of all, Swim, please don't get out of the hobby. I still fondly recall meeting you at the Turnpike reststop to deliver the pins we picked up for you a couple of years ago! Hang in there...

Secondly, the pin price markups are no different than the housing market or the 1999 tech stock bubble. There WILL be a top price, and those at the top will get burned. It's a lot of speculation. I would recommend one thing...patience.
She is just frustrated. All of this started happening with the UP set in February. Before that, we could stroll into DSF at 10AM and get all of the pins we wanted. Now, every event is an overnight camp out. It should not be blamed on because they stopped selling LE pins long before February. Also before the February event pins from DSF were not selling for more than double their purchase price. People saw huge profit from the UP set and are now doing it with every DSF release. It is frustrating for those of us that have been in the hobby for a longer period of time as this is a very recent change at DSF. So give her a break.

Don't get defensive please as I am not blaming or accusing anyone here for getting the pins purely for profit. There are lots and lots of lurkers on this forum reading up and taking advantage of all of us and the situation.

Thank you. So far you are the only person who actually understood what I was trying to say.
If I may...?

I think a lot of the *current* frustration is the monopoly-like situation Disney has put us in. With Southern California having pretty much all the desirable releases coming up on over a year now (I'd start it at around the D23 Designer Princess pins and Reveal/Conceal Girls release), it's been particularly hard to trade or to counter with anything.

Forget, even the people at WDW can't counter with anything (and no, the event doesn't count...there have been very, very few "desirable" pins out of the events...especially in the last few years). Paris is the only entity that can compete, and they're just as tight- fisted with their pins.

It's hard to have a good trading environment when one area of the world is getting feed when the others aren't. And thus, it becomes a seller's dreamland.

I'm not saying selling is wrong- but you have to expect some frustration from the rest of the hobby when they're constantly bleeding money and resources just to keep up.

HEY - I hear the sound of the hammer hitting the nail right on the head! You got it - you actually got it. Thanks for putting my words into understandable format. Now maybe everyone else will get it too.
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