I FINALLY watched Tron, Cars & Bolt! Should I...

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I FINALLY watched Tron, Cars & Bolt! Should I...


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Sunny California
I FINALLY watched Tron, Cars & Bolt! Cars was a surprise to me since I was sure I wouldn't really enjoy it that much but to my surprise I actually did. Bolt was cute and some parts made me giggle so it was all good. Tron was... interesting. I love the effects and the graphics but I liked the actual plot and content of the original Tron more especially when it showed more.. Tron.

Now, I've heard from some people that Cars 2 was not that good and not even worth watching cause it'll ruin the first movie? Is that true? Should I not even bother then? Or should I give it a shot and watch it anyways? :O

Also, what's the last Disney movie you've watched and what did you think about them?
oh man.... My 3yr old watches disney movies constantly. currently on is finding nemo. as I type its the "exit buddy" EAC scene.

I have yet to find a disney movie I dislike. Although I find most sequels just dont cut it. Have not seen cars 2, so no opinion.
Cars 2 is not terrible but it's focus was more on mater and it really didn't have the heart of the first movie. That being said, it was enjoyable but no where near what you would expect from Pixar.

Last Disney movie I watched was Brave and I really liked it.
Haven't seen Cars 2 so I can't speak to that, alas.

Last Disney movie I watched was the newest Muppet movie, last night (finally got around to seeing it!) It was waaaaayyyy geared toward the older Muppet audience nostalgia, but being smack in the middle of their target demographic, I liked it. :)
oh man.... My 3yr old watches disney movies constantly. currently on is finding nemo. as I type its the "exit buddy" EAC scene.

I have yet to find a disney movie I dislike. Although I find most sequels just dont cut it. Have not seen cars 2, so no opinion.

I love Nemo!!! I agree that most of the time the sequels aren't that great but I absolutely ADORED The Lion King 2 I loved the music so much! I sing Upendi all the time! I have yet to see Cars 2 but I want to!
Is there a pin related comment coming? Because there is a Disney Chat forum. I liked the above. I've only seen Bolt once though. I saw Wall-E for the second time the other day and forgot how much I loved that movie. Cars 1 is ok. Ellen's and Owen's voices bug me though, I wish they were done by someone else. Cars 2 was ok. It wasn't as bad as some make it out to be. It is more like Mater's Spy Movie more so than Cars 2. We'll see how well they do with Monster's U. I'm excited for more pins from all of these movies and future Pixar movies. So far, Brave is my least favorite I think. Choppy storyline and other factors just didn't make it likable for me.
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i make it a point (at 44 with no little ones) to watch a disney movie everyweek, just to keep the kid in me, plus there is just alot of negative, violent movies, i need my happy fix. This week......drum roll.......Petes Dragon. LOVE LOVE LOVE. hOW CAN YA NOT LOVE mICKEY ROONEY and Helen Reddie? Hope i spelled that right. I personally have been stubborn about sequels of disney movies, so none for me and i have no regrets. Pixar is another story,,,all the Toy Story's rock...liked Puss N boots..cars i thought was great. Now there is a down turn period again with disney...for me, after Emperors new groove til Rapunzel...they are hit and miss for me, but i do still rotate them into my movie of the week. Oh- next up Pocahontas.
My 7 year old never wants to watch Disney movies anymore. So, I watch them by myself. HeHe.
I am not a fan of Cars 2 and I agree that most sequels are sub par. The only exception to that is the Peter Pan sequel. I LOVE that movie and watch it regularly. And Dawny, I love Pete's Dragon! It has Mickey Rooney. I mean really how can you go wrong with Mickey Rooney.
Cars 2 is not terrible but it's focus was more on mater and it really didn't have the heart of the first movie. That being said, it was enjoyable but no where near what you would expect from Pixar.

Last Disney movie I watched was Brave and I really liked it.

Mater was alright. He's not exactly my favorite character in the movie even though he was pretty funny with his behavior. I guess we'll see if I decide to watch it or not.. Can't hurt right?
i make it a point (at 44 with no little ones) to watch a disney movie everyweek, just to keep the kid in me, plus there is just alot of negative, violent movies, i need my happy fix. This week......drum roll.......Petes Dragon. LOVE LOVE LOVE. hOW CAN YA NOT LOVE mICKEY ROONEY and Helen Reddie? Hope i spelled that right. I personally have been stubborn about sequels of disney movies, so none for me and i have no regrets. Pixar is another story,,,all the Toy Story's rock...liked Puss N boots..cars i thought was great. Now there is a down turn period again with disney...for me, after Emperors new groove til Rapunzel...they are hit and miss for me, but i do still rotate them into my movie of the week. Oh- next up Pocahontas.

Oh my gosh! Too bad we can't all live near each other and have ONE BIG DISNEY MOVIE NIGHT! That would be awesome!
I liked Cars but I didn't care for Cars 2 but then again I don't care for many of the Disney sequels that come out. The only sequels that I have enjoyed are Toy Story 2 and 3. :)
Is there a pin related comment coming? Because there is a Disney Chat forum. I liked the above. I've only seen Bolt once though. I saw Wall-E for the second time the other day and forgot how much I loved that movie. Cars 1 is ok. Ellen's and Owen's voices bug me though, I wish they were done by someone else. Cars 2 was ok. It wasn't as bad as some make it out to be. It is more like Mater's Spy Movie more so than Cars 2. We'll see how well they do with Monster's U. I'm excited for more pins from all of these movies and future Pixar movies. So far, Brave is my least favorite I think. Choppy storyline and other factors just didn't make it likable for me.

Oh crap. I accidentally put this in the wrong area then =.= *sigh* i'm sorry. is it possible to move this?
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