So what makes a grail to you, is it the rarity, difficulty in finding it, the cost? I realize more often than not, these things coincide.
Generally those things tend to coincide, and they make sense. A grail in and of itself is a pin that one wants extremely badly, above all other pins.
- If the pins was a rack or and open edition pin, it wouldn't be that hard to get, and if the person wanted it SOOO badly, they'd already have it
- As Disxar said as well, the lower the edition, generally the nicer and more detailed the pins are. I'm assuming that they are harder to make if they are more detailed, so ones that are very detailed tend to be lower in edition size.
- If you like the pin so much, for whatever reason, don't expect to be the only person in the world to like it. Clearly if you like it THAT much, you see something in it, and I wouldn't be shocked if someone else in the world sees that exact same thing. If other people see that interest as well, they also try to get it, making it cost more.
- Likewise, if you like it that much and someone else has it, they probably wouldn't want to trade it just as you wouldn't want to trade it if you had it. This makes it even harder to find.
If grails were easy to find, it would kind of lose half the fun. The fun lies in the chase after all xP