Enough with the bootleg Vinylmation pins already!!
Here is what I think (and I'm emphasize the "I"). Disney doesn't give a hoot about scrappers. As long as they are making money on pins, they will not do a thing. I have sent many letters and even included emails from China and don't even get a response. Disney doesn't care. It promotes pins and that means money for them. Unless someone at Disney gets the "message", then nothing will be done. It's been going on way too long for them not to know about it. As far as what is "legal", everyone at some point has borrowed something that has a copyright. We use avatars, signatures, and even Rocketeer uses an image of Donald Duck. If evertime someone used the image we would all be in jail. Leave the legal to the lawyers and pin trading to pin traders. If we educate ourselves and those around us, we could put a dent in scrappers. Thanks for letting me sound off.