A Pin Trade I Observed
gotta agree with nathan here... not our business if we were not there. Even if we were there....
I was not there, so if both traders are happy, it is none of my business. If the trader loosing the rapunzel's was unaware of what they had, and the other trader PURPOSELY talked down on them, thats just mean evil and rude. But again, Not there. not for me to judge.
yes its not my biz what ppl do with there pins.. But i for one would love to know is there are sharks in the water. i also think if both ppl are happy than thats ok. but in this case we dont know. so its ok for ppl to talk and know that this stuff happend.
to try and say well i got a 200 pin for a 9 buck pin is kind not a good example cuz if i had to guess you got the pin cuz u said u got engaged. the lady was being nice to u, real nice as it may b. but it was not cuz she wanted your rack pin. just what i think.. not tring to upset any one.