PODM Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!
So how does this work if she doesn't show up?
We have to wait until she doesUnless of course it gets extreme and she doesn't show up for days, then I believe we move on and she gets moved to a different spot, I'm not exactly sure how that works if she doesn't show for a long time
Omg ... Did ya guys see the new DSF February flyer?!? I posted it in the Discussion forum. :eek2:
Hey Kupo,
This is Alanna. I'm on watching at work. Thanks for updating post#2. It always help so much. When you update post #2 I think it would be helpful if you also included at the top of Post #2 what post # it is most updated too. Am I making sense? In the last game, I was trying to catch up and your updated charts told the outcomes before I read them on the thread, so it confused me. Just a suggestion. Thanks.
Having never played this type of game, I have a question. Once you choose a podm, is the only way you can steal or choose another podm be if your current podm gets stolen?
Where is she! Haha
Still nothing!!! GAH!!!!!!!!