She is finally free! - Designer Rapunzel, now with added Gothel!
So after debating since I got her in January I have finally taken the plunge and deboxed my gorgeous Designer Rapunzel doll after finding a great how to on this forum!And she looks so good!Her hair is so soft and that gown is gorgeous once it is freed to flow!My doll does have a little mark on her shoulder though (black paint?) and her left arm is quite loose But I love her none the less! I've put Flynn in with her but as I look at them together he looks like he is smelling her hair! Lol. I will have to sort that later. I plan on deboxing my designer Mother Gothel tonight and will hopefully get a few pics. Nowi just need a wee Pascal and will be happy with my wee collection!Thanks for reading my wee excitable piece of blurb!Sarah x
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