The agony of defeat... -_-
Hi everyone...
Please forgive me, I gotta post what I call a "mopey" post. Why? Well, because many times when talking about pins we share our triumphs in our collections and sometimes one just wants to share their defeats as well. Sometimes, kind words give us the motivation to get back up from those pin defeats.
Everyone's been there...either you've had that grail pin in your grasp and just barely missed it or you've tried for years with no luck. In my particular case, I've been obsessing over two pins ever since I came to these boards, got more educated as a pin trader and joined PinPics. One of these pins, I've almost written it off as "impossible". I know people say, "Don't say that!" but really, it is almost. It is an LE 20 pin that was apart of a beautiful set that cost $125.00 at the time of purchase on Disney Cruise Lines. I can only imagine what the set is worth now-a-days and so far, I know of no one that has it. I've never even seen a picture of it! :shock: I'm sure it must exist but my point is - I'll most likely never own that ONE pin alone. Okay, before I ramble *too* much... I'll get to the point of this thread...moving on...
The second pin I've been obsessing over is this pin:
Pin#: 35796
Anyone who knows me knows that I ADORE the Little Mermaid (kinda a given when you look at my name, eh?
). Specifically, I adore and collect mermaids/mermaid stuff in general. The Little Mermaid as a film is very dear to me for personal reasons which I won't go into but suffice to say, this film is very, very special to me. I collect only the pins of Ariel in her mermaid form for the most part and for me...this is just that ONE special pin that my heart has wrapped itself around and I've sought out. Well, I've tried trading on PinPics for her repeatedly with no luck. Never seen anyone selling her here. I've been stalking eBay nearly DAILY for her. Sometimes twice daily... but admittedly I do go a day here or there where I get too busy or just flat out forget. Well, as of two days ago she popped up on the bay for the first time in MONTHS. I saw THIS tonight...
I literally got teary eyed and said to myself, " can't be... no...
" in utter disbelief and I just hung my head.
The sting of defeat...
My heart was and still is just a little broken...The ONE day this week that I must have missed checking the bay (and I SWORE I did) she pops up and immediately sells (that doesn't surprise me as she's a beautiful pin). I keep telling myself, "Chin up, it won't be the last chance" and admittedly, I've been very fortunate in my pin collecting this last year so really, I don't want to let myself get TOO worked up but I can't help but feel just... deflated, sad, heartbroken for the moment.
If someone on here got this wonderful pin from that listing, admittedly, that will make me feel a bit better because I have met and know some WONDERFUL Ariel collectors here on the forums and I'd be very, very happy to know that at least this pin is in the hands of someone who loves and collects Ariel/TLM. Plus, I'm sure I'm not the only one seeking this lovely pin. So... in closing, I just had to... gripe a wee bit, mope, call it what you like. Please forgive me
I just know that this is the place for all kinds of pin talk and most times I try and keep it cheery but man...I'm just...bummed. SUPER bummed right now. That being said, feel free to share your story of your grail lost/pin heartbreak and we can all sit and give each other pin loss pity hugs (I say this totally playfully as I'm not looking for pity so much as I'm looking for inspiration, motivation and just...knowing that people have been here in this same boat
) :hug: I'm sure some of you even have stories of defeat that wind up having happy endings over time. I'd love to hear them
It will really help me pick my mopey butt up off the floor. Thanks for reading/listening 
Please forgive me, I gotta post what I call a "mopey" post. Why? Well, because many times when talking about pins we share our triumphs in our collections and sometimes one just wants to share their defeats as well. Sometimes, kind words give us the motivation to get back up from those pin defeats.
Everyone's been there...either you've had that grail pin in your grasp and just barely missed it or you've tried for years with no luck. In my particular case, I've been obsessing over two pins ever since I came to these boards, got more educated as a pin trader and joined PinPics. One of these pins, I've almost written it off as "impossible". I know people say, "Don't say that!" but really, it is almost. It is an LE 20 pin that was apart of a beautiful set that cost $125.00 at the time of purchase on Disney Cruise Lines. I can only imagine what the set is worth now-a-days and so far, I know of no one that has it. I've never even seen a picture of it! :shock: I'm sure it must exist but my point is - I'll most likely never own that ONE pin alone. Okay, before I ramble *too* much... I'll get to the point of this thread...moving on...
The second pin I've been obsessing over is this pin:
Pin#: 35796
Anyone who knows me knows that I ADORE the Little Mermaid (kinda a given when you look at my name, eh?


I literally got teary eyed and said to myself, " can't be... no...

The sting of defeat...

My heart was and still is just a little broken...The ONE day this week that I must have missed checking the bay (and I SWORE I did) she pops up and immediately sells (that doesn't surprise me as she's a beautiful pin). I keep telling myself, "Chin up, it won't be the last chance" and admittedly, I've been very fortunate in my pin collecting this last year so really, I don't want to let myself get TOO worked up but I can't help but feel just... deflated, sad, heartbroken for the moment.
If someone on here got this wonderful pin from that listing, admittedly, that will make me feel a bit better because I have met and know some WONDERFUL Ariel collectors here on the forums and I'd be very, very happy to know that at least this pin is in the hands of someone who loves and collects Ariel/TLM. Plus, I'm sure I'm not the only one seeking this lovely pin. So... in closing, I just had to... gripe a wee bit, mope, call it what you like. Please forgive me

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