Completely disagree with this statement. The movie people are not buying PTD's, the pin traders are. And the same people practically lived at DSF for the last 5 days waiting for the next pin, forcing the issue just to reveal the next one. Then there was a constant wave of people and each time it was close to switching 50 more people would come out of nowhere and line up for the next pin. Greedy pin traders made the releases go that fast. I wish DSF would have stuck to their word of "summer" and told everyone there were no more for sale. Withold Kevin, release it on a day when you have an unpopular release that all the sharks will skip and only the veterans would come. Like the retro signs, or Alice cupcakes, or movie reels. Reward those that are loyal regardless of what's coming and show up anyways.
These people are unable to contain their greed. I was there at the release when it switched from Peg to Esemerelda. Everyone was waiting in line to get the next one even before it was announced and most had already bought 2 pegs and were maxed. They were just occupying the space until the next was announced so they could buy whatever it was. DSF had to kick everyone out of the store except maybe 10 people. I still needed Peg so I went and bought the 1 I needed. People were mad that I didn't buy 2 to help it along. I only needed 1 people. Let someone else behind me buy extras. I then had to go wait in another 50 person line outside to get Esmerelda. MANY people simply left when there was no Kevin.
The same thing I have witnessed for months now when unpopular DSF releases show no surprise pin. People came and got a wristband and then left without buying anything when there was no surprise pin. Or when there is a surprise pin, they just get extras of that so they can flip it. Or call local friends to come buy more. Also, these people buy the most profitable pin only and leave the rest for people that feel lucky just to get anything these days. Quick, everyone buy just the Lady & Tramp engine car, because when it sells out we can charge a ton for it when all people can buy are the other cars. Or let's buy every Rapunzel, Merida carousel pin and leave the crap ones for others. That is just blatant greed and poor morals. And to DSF, all you did is take a spot from someone that actually wanted the pins just to see if there was a surprise pin you could flip. (not "you" as in Master, "you" as in these pin flippers, fyi, just to be clear.) I just don't get it. Who raised these people? Some with their kids there teaching them to act like that. I just shake my head. Do us all a favor, just stay home.
I garauntee you the 3 bears egg pin will be sold out by number 155 but everything else will last to like 170. Just because people are going just to buy the 3 bears to sell it. That is why I think DSF should up edition sizes for popular pins. And come on, DSF knows which ones will be popular. So do the 3 Bears Le500, and the rest LE300. The bears will still be worth more than the others. I just gives a chance to more people that actually want them to get them. I am not worried this weekend. All I want is Pooh. But now that I can't get a PTD, I might just trade for Pooh rather than spend gas, parking, and time to get the 1 pin I want and have to deal with all of it.