Goofy Weekend Flower Sale...
What's a flower sale... Simple... Rebecca wants flowers in the yard and I need to sell pins to get them...
The following pins are offered as 8 separate Lots of pins... Labeled as Lots A - H... I will not break up the lots unless they do not sell by next week...
Shipping for any lot will be $4.00 Domestic and $7.00 International
Pricing of Lots are as follows...
Lot A $80 lowered to $70!!!
Lot B $110 on hold
Lot C $60 Sold and shipped
Lot D $200 on hold
Lot E $100 Sold and shipped
Lot F $110 Sold and shipped
Lot G $120 Sold and shipped
Lot H $125 (1 is AP and 1 is signed by artist... Not saying which sold and shipped
The following pins are offered as 8 separate Lots of pins... Labeled as Lots A - H... I will not break up the lots unless they do not sell by next week...
Shipping for any lot will be $4.00 Domestic and $7.00 International
Pricing of Lots are as follows...
Lot A $80 lowered to $70!!!
Lot B $110 on hold
Lot C $60 Sold and shipped
Lot D $200 on hold
Lot E $100 Sold and shipped
Lot F $110 Sold and shipped
Lot G $120 Sold and shipped
Lot H $125 (1 is AP and 1 is signed by artist... Not saying which sold and shipped
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