June Release Paris

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June Release Paris
I too would like the Rapunzel locket :( Sorry for asking on this thread. Not sure if its allowed. I just don't want to flood DPF with another wanted thread. I have the Ariel Locket and this would match so nicely :)
Ok... So the PTN is just a few days away as is the Rapunzel ... Who is going? Sounds like Lanny is gonna go any others? Wonder how hard the rapunzel locket is gonna be? I have a Ariel and must say the pins are well done... As most all of the Paris Pins are!
I keep offering to pick up something for people, but nobody seems to read my posts :p I'm going July 4th, I can look for the lanyard and Duffy as Sully pin :)
Oh sorry, hadn't noticed, and off course, those mails come in my spam box *sigh* (some do, some don't)

cleared out now, I'll PM everyone back :)
It's going to be crazy but I'm there Friday at the PTN and Saturday :) Seems like a quite a few of the forum are going, do you all know each other?

I know Lanny made out to Paris ... He said he might do "a live from Paris" thread all depends if could get WiFi
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