June Release Paris
I could have a look for it when I go July 4th. Please PM me if you are still interested (it's easier for me to keep track then of things).I would love to have Duffy as Sully if anyone has it for trade or sale for a reasonable price.
I keep offering to pick up something for people, but nobody seems to read my postsI'm going July 4th, I can look for the lanyard and Duffy as Sully pin
It's going to be crazy but I'm there Friday at the PTN and SaturdaySeems like a quite a few of the forum are going, do you all know each other?
You can get free WIFI at the Starbucks and Earl of Sandwich in Disney VillageI know Lanny made out to Paris ... He said he might do "a live from Paris" thread all depends if could get WiFi