2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
Yikes and not what I was expecting. Snow looks pretty, as does Jasmine, but not enough to buy for me. Those princes didn't deliver at all though! Snow's prince looks too realistic and the head doesn't quite look right to me with such a simple outfit. (Nice sword though.) Aladdin looks alright in terms of face mold, but the clothes look somehow off. Perhaps too big on the top? I really liked the closer-to-the-body Prince Ali outfit he had in the movie, along with the big turban. XD

Granted I wasn't planning to get these dolls anyway, but now I'm worried for the sets I really want - Ariel's and Rapunzel's. Really hope they get them right, along with Flynn. That dashing thief's one of my favorite Disney males ever, so they better nail his look!
I actually like Aladdin and jasmine!! Snow and charming, don't look authentic to their film look. They look like people who are dressed for HalloweenHalloween:facepalm: I'm anxious to see how the other dolls will look
Uh oh, I actually love them. A lot. I just don't understand that weird braid in Snow's hair. Okay and I'm not crazy about the stiff hands the princes have, but other than that I think they're beautiful. Guess this means I shouldn't have trouble getting them, which makes me like them even more! I was dead against them having molded hair, but then I compare the molded hair on the DS Oscar and the Toys R Us Oscar and realize rooted hair can look really bad on boy dolls. Maybe that's why they went this route. They have very handsome faces, I'll give them that. I think it's always hard to please collectors when they give us teasers about the product (art work, descriptions, things like that) instead of the actual product, because then we idealize the outcome in our heads. The sooner toy companies realize this and start pumping out final product images, the better. Anyway, I'm happy and can't wait to see the other sets. Although, I did get to see my most favorite of this line, Aladdin and Jasmine. She's gohhhhhgeous!
These are terrible! I'm so disappointed. :( The lithos made them look so incredible. I really hope Ariel & Eric and Belle & Beast look a lot better than these, but I'm not holding my breath. The male dolls should have had rooted hair or the set should have been at a lower price. These sets cost way too much for what you get. I will probably just end up getting the lithos if the other dolls don't turn out a lot better.
Uh oh, I actually love them. A lot. I just don't understand that weird braid in Snow's hair. Okay and I'm not crazy about the stiff hands the princes have, but other than that I think they're beautiful. Guess this means I shouldn't have trouble getting them, which makes me like them even more! I was dead against them having molded hair, but then I compare the molded hair on the DS Oscar and the Toys R Us Oscar and realize rooted hair can look really bad on boy dolls. Maybe that's why they went this route. They have very handsome faces, I'll give them that. I think it's always hard to please collectors when they give us teasers about the product (art work, descriptions, things like that) instead of the actual product, because then we idealize the outcome in our heads. The sooner toy companies realize this and start pumping out final product images, the better. Anyway, I'm happy and can't wait to see the other sets. Although, I did get to see my most favorite of this line, Aladdin and Jasmine. She's gohhhhhgeous!
from the start, I was interested in all but Snow......I love Aladdins face sculpt!! And jasmines dress is gorgeous! I'm looking forward to the rest. I'm VERY interested in seeing how they're going to pull off beast. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded beast in his prince form. I want to get the lithos as well
There's a difference between hating on and being disappointed by something. No one is hating on these dolls. We were just expecting more because of the lithos. We're entitled to our own opinions. Just because we don't think these dolls are gorgeous like you do doesn't mean there's something wrong with our opinion or that we'll change our minds later. Why do you care so much that other people dislike them? If you like them then that's all that should matter. Plus it will be easier for you to get them if less people like them. We are just as entitled to dislike them as you are entitled to like them.
Aww. If one cannot nitpick about every tiny detail of LE Disney dolls on a very specific LE Disney doll thread in a specific section of a specific board for that subject, with other people who are specifically interested, than where can one do it...?
I think they look pretty horrible myself. They look opposite of the pictures. Instead of being soft and dreamy like the pictures, they are hard and harsh looking. The princesses look overly made up, and I hate Jasmine's eyebrows. She looks evil and devious instead of slightly sad and wistful like the picture. I also can't believe they couldn't find a better way to translate Snow's hair than a tight side braid that looks like it was done by a 5 year old. I actually think the princes look much better despite their molded hair. Aladdin especially looks spot on, and although Snow's prince doesn't look accurate, he at least is handsome. I hope the others are better but based on these... I doubt it.
I hope to see Ariel and Eric soon, it will for sure give me peace. Because them being so expensive and not so.. worth it so far.
I wasn't the one being offensive. You clearly do care what others think because otherwise you wouldn't have said that you hate that we're hating on them. That's an awfully strong word to use for someone who is supposedly indifferent to others opinions.
Please relax you two. Let's not bring negativity to the forum. We will all have our own opinions about these dolls and she was only upset that people had a negative outlook on them. Anyway, I, too, am quite disappointed with how Disney has designed these dolls. I do not like Snow White's fish tail braid, it does not fit with her character. Fingers are crossed for Ariel and Rapunzel.
Wow! What is your problem? First you hate how we feel and now you are personally attacking me. I would say your comments have to do with others when you say you hate what others are saying. The fact that you typed your response in an enlarged type and have inappropriate words that you would like to say to me is really overreacting to this situation. Why are you so angry over this? The fact that you think I have a lot of free time is funny since you keep responding to my post. You obviously have plenty of it yourself. Besides how someone spends their time is their business. Despite what has just happened I feel no ill will toward you and wouldn't say anything bad toward you like you clearly want to say to me. I won't ever respond to one of your posts again because clearly it won't go over well even though I was not intentionally trying to hurt your feelings or attack you.
So far I'm not terribly impressed with these two. :( I'm hoping these are just some unfortunate stock images and perhaps the actual dolls in-person, posed in their boxes will look nicer but as of right now, I think I'll be saving my money.

Really holding out for Rapunzel here, she's the one I wanted the most.
I'm gonna like all the money I'll save by not buying these dolls. They are pretty and well done and all...but don't look expensive. I appreciate how Snow looks like a combo of Snow and Regina from OUAT...but that wasn't the goal...right? Plus, her prince looks like sun tan Ken. At least he has a nose. ;)
And Jasmine...she kinda looks like she has had a nose job and silicone injections in her lips. (Then again, I am seeing this on my phone so...)
I dunno, the lithos made them look soft, romantic, rich, and expensive. These dolls look pretty and pretty cheap. I am still holding on for the Belle and Beast set...but not getting my hopes up.
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I do agree with most people on here that I was not immediately excited when I saw the photos and probably a bit more like 'what the??' And just like others I am hoping that the others in the series will look better.

I am not as upset about Snow though, maybe its because she does have that designer look. Yes she does have a bit of a hidden agenda look going on (to be honest she reminds me a lot of the Queen of Hearts Designer) but I still think out of the current four she is the most elegant and 'designer' looking. Whilst I do agree that the guys have accurate facial structures I think Charming looks nothing like Charming at all and that Aladdin's outfit is very odd? It does look like he is wearing gold armor or as someone previously mentioned a gold sack which makes them look more like glorified play dolls rather than designer display dolls.

I dunno, the lithos made them look soft, romantic, rich, and expensive. These dolls look pretty and pretty cheap. I am still holding on for the Belle and Beast set...but not getting my hopes up.

I think that is very well put and a good way to describe my disappointment. It is not that they are horrible it is just that for what they are being marketed as and the cost to buy them it just makes them less appealing. Maybe it could just be because of my high expectations from waiting soooo long but then again I am still going to try my very best to get them :S
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These do not look like they should be $130. I would maybe spend $40 on the dolls. They look like the OE dolls with fancier clothes. I do really love the rest of the merch and concept art. At least I will save some money on the dolls.
Yikes! I was really excited about these, especially Jasmine and Aladdin. But they looks so cheap, in my opinion. :( If this is really how they turn out, then I wouldn't even spend $20 on them. Just no. :facepalm:

I do really love the rest of the merch and concept art. At least I will save some money on the dolls.
I have to agree with this. The rest of the merchandise looks really nice! I'd love one of the journals.
The more I look at them, the happier I am with their faces...but I really want to change their hair and dresses! Lol hmmm...$130 for each set is kind of a lot to turn into ooak projects though...will have to think about this...
I don't get some people.....you're upset because they don't look like the cartoons....that's the point! They are an interpretation of the original. The basic look is there.....remember they are a Designer series.
I like the dolls but not for the price, hopefully they will be discounted eventually. I don't think these are as exciting as the first designer line so maybe they will hang around to go on sale.

Also, there is supposed to be a special Snow White at D23, I wonder if it will just be another version of this outfit or something else.
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