2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
I don't get some people.....you're upset because they don't look like the cartoons....that's the point! They are an interpretation of the original. The basic look is there.....remember they are a Designer series.

I agree that they are supposed to look designer so will not be an exact replica of the movies but these just look cheap and makes it difficult for people to justify spending $130 on them. Which I can understand, also we have been waiting a while so I guess due to the long wait (with the abscence of LE dolls) I was hoping for a little more because it is a designer line and Disney have generally done these really well in the past. But that being said you are right and it is not fair to be critical as it is tough to please everyone but it would have been easier to be less critical if there was some justification behind the price of the dolls but really all it looks like is that Disney are resting on the popularity of the line and rather than trying to improve on it seem to be deviating away from it almost as if they are no longer interested in it. Because really it almost looks like they are not even trying, even though I know they probably worked really hard on the line, it does not appear to reflect on the final product assuming that what is pictured of Jasmine and Snow is official. Who knows, here's hoping that maybe the others look more 'designer'.
personally, I'm a little disappointed in the way these first images look. Once again, they seem to have had trouble translating the softness and luxury-look of the concept drawings into 3d dolls.
But with the Designer princesses, I felt like there was at least a (sometimes vague) attempt to capture the look of the concepts. With these, I feel like there are more substantial differences- like the fact that Aladdin's doll is wearing his headpiece, but in the concept he is not. This is part of the reason I'm off put by Snow, because her braid is much different than the soft fullness of the concept, and her gown, instead of being full and frothy, is just... blah. Although the prince looks handsome, he seems kind of off. And his cloak does not fasten in the front like the concept. I also agree that their stances in this photo are boooring.
This makes me worry for the rest of them, especially Belle/Beast. Part of the coolness of having the princess/prince combo is their dynamic and how they work together. I'm concerned Belle's gown might be slimmed down and Beast is squashed in there with her. I would love it if she kept that soft expression in the concept, I think it suits her. But who knows, maybe they'll be beautiful.

Overall though, I like Jasmine/Aladdin much better than Snow/Ferd
Not too crazy about how these dolls look so far. Wasn't expecting rooted hair or a straight from the cartoon interpretation of the outfits (I'll just buy the figurines if I'm looking for that) but they look somewhat cheap and not worth the $130 price like some folks have mentioned. That being said, I am liking the Aladdin/Jasmine set and might consider buying it. Snow White's hair should've had more volume in it like her illustration, and not in some subdued braid but hopefully she'll look better in person or perhaps even grow on me. I wonder how the other sets will turn out.
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I didn't like the dolls at first, but the more I see them the more they are growing on me. However, if they're just 12" dolls I can't justify spending $130 on each pair. Although I am loving the Aladdin doll! The Snow White dress is beautiful, I just wish they hadn't resorted to the easier route of the braid. In the artwork she's pictured as having flowing curly hair, and if they curled it and then swept it to the side - it'd be beautiful!
I don't understand why Snow's prince looks nothing like the character in the film or even the concept art. He looks like he became friends with the Jersey shore crew and started to tan 5 hours a day. I know that it's "designer" and all but the other 3 resemble their film counterparts somewhat. I do agree Snow White looks a lot like Regina from OUAT. Her dress is pretty but her hair is disappointing. Jasmine looks good but I agree her expression should be a bit....nicer? Aladdin's outfit looks too big for him. These were my two favorites from the concept art but they look kind of disappointing in these photos. Im really interested in seeing Belle/Beast.
I don't understand why Snow's prince looks nothing like the character in the film or even the concept art. He looks like he became friends with the Jersey shore crew and started to tan 5 hours a day. I know that it's "designer" and all but the other 3 resemble their film counterparts somewhat. I do agree Snow White looks a lot like Regina from OUAT. Her dress is pretty but her hair is disappointing. Jasmine looks good but I agree her expression should be a bit....nicer? Aladdin's outfit looks too big for him. These were my two favorites from the concept art but they look kind of disappointing in these photos. Im really interested in seeing Belle/Beast.

I couldn't agree more. Something rather strange has happened to Snow White's Prince for the DFDC dolls. He does not look terrible; he just does not look like himself. They made a good stab at his hairdo, and his face looks a lot more "real" than your typical Disney character doll. I am hoping that he will grow on me. I do wish that they kept his traditional tabard intact instead of turning it into a doublet, because you just don't see tabards much anymore. Similarly, I wish they kept his shirt collar as a banded style/turtleneck-type instead of the split triangular shirt collar, but that is just my own preference. As others have mentioned, they kind of dropped the ball on his cloak by not having it clasp in the front and by doing their "magically attached to the shoulders" cloak look.

DFDC Snow White... I just don't get how this hairdo is in any way, shape, or form supposed to be the same as the voluminous side-swept curls in the stock photo. Her makeup is a bit heavy for Snow White, but there's nothing wrong with glamorizing her up a bit. At least she again escaped having antennae eyelashes. I do like her outfit from the waist-up. The cut of her skirt looks like the same pattern cut as the 2011 Sparkle Princess play dolls, which ruins the efforts of the embroidery and gems on her skirt. I also hope that the fabric of her skirt is more of a metallic gold than the mustard-yellow depicted in the released stock photo.

Just for fun, I made a comparison picture of the DFDC Snow White & The Prince dolls alongside Designer Snow White and the 2009 Prince doll from the doll gift set of him and his horse Astor (which is my favorite doll rendering of The Prince to date, even though he is a play doll). Note that Designer Snow White's skirt is much more flowing and complimentary to a glamorous, romantic look. If DFDC Snow White had her skirt cut from the same pattern, but in the embroidered and bejeweled fabric, I think she would be a much more successful doll. The 2009 doll of The Prince just looks a lot more like the film character, so I like him a lot. You can see how very different the DFDC doll of the Prince is below. Personally, I would not have minded if they had kept the DS play doll head sculpt for the Prince, but paid a bit more detailed attention to painting his eyes to slightly reduce the "cartootny-ness" of them.

Snow White & The Prince - Doll Comparisons by Shivatopia, on Flickr
Where do I even begin. :facepalm:

With the Princesses and Villains, I thought most of them were at least on par with their lithograph sketches, with a few major exceptions (Belle and Mulan's Priscilla Presley hairdos; whatever it was they called the hairdo Aurora was saddled with, etc.). In some cases, IMO the designs looked better than the dolls, and in others, I think the dolls came out even better than the sketches. With these, there is such a huge gap between the quality of the lithos and the actual dolls that it's both sad and pathetic. Something just got majorly lost in translation.

I like the peacock detailings on Jasmine's outfit, but like others said her face looks off. She looks like she's about to tell Aladdin to get away from her.

Meanwhile, Aladdin looks as if he's giving her the side eye. And as others mentioned, his clothes don't fit. They aren't bad per se, beyond the weird gold front of his shirt, but they are too big. Aladdin's clothes were supposed to look flowy, not like they are swallowing him whole. I am reminded of a Mattel Aladdin doll I have that was made around the movie's initial release, the one that had his street clothes and his Prince Ali outfit. Those clothes fit him way better than these fit this doll. His face mold in general besides the expression looks good, but his head looks too small compared to Jasmine's.

I actually like this Snow's face better than the Designer Princess Snow's face, but then again I am not generally a Snow White fan so maybe that plays into it. I like her dress to a point, but the material at the bottom especially looks cheap. Her hair is a bizarre choice. I don't get how they went from sideswept curls to a weird side braid. Well, I can imagine why. It was probably cheaper. I don't think it looks completely heinous, but it looks cheaper than the concept art would have if they used that hairstyle.

I don't even know what to say about the Prince. He looks like a male actor whose name I cannot place at the moment. There is such as thing as artistic liberties, and then there's this. It reminds me of the Queen of Hearts; face looks nothing like the movie. Not to mention the outfit, again, looks cheap to me.

My wallet will probably be happy, but I am really disappointed. Mostly they look like they could be holiday versions of the cheap line the stores carry year round. I also find it ridiculous that they went with molded hair for the princes, considering the pricetag. I'm supposed to shell out $130 for this? I could maybe justify the original $59.95 price tag for some of the women if they look better in person and the material isn't as cheap as it looks, but I have to also shell out an extra $70 for male dolls that look like they should cost about $15? Yeah, no. I see these ending up clearanced off and still sitting on DS.com well into next year.

In fairness, some of the past Designer dolls looked rather unfortunate to me in the online pics as well, and then they looked much better in the store. Here's hoping that's the case here. I am afraid to think of what they did to the Beast. And I'm really, really hoping my two most wanted sets (Ariel/Eric and Rapunzel/Flynn) look better than these two.
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Jasmine looks like she took over the palace and has become evil. very scary looking doll compared to the designer princess jasmine who looks so much sweeter and kind like in the film this doll looks vengeful and dark. I feel like sadly all of the princesses are going to look dark and dramatic they looked so kind in the promo art. I feel like belle is going too look angry and have her messy prom hair again. her dress has potential to look bad if not executed properly and beast may look like an eyesore. I hope they do more fur than plastic but based on the unrooted molded hair of the princess we'll probably get a big chunk of plastic or rubber with limited movability. not to be a pessimist. I just feel like these 2 promo shots show what's to come.

I just hope ariel and eric look good. I think the eric sculpt might look better compared to the current play line doll.

Hopefully I can save money on not getting some of these.
I'm just going to say it, I HAD these dolls back in the 1990's. These are no better than what Mattel did when I was a child, and they did it them for about $25 dollars. At least the original Mattel dolls came with extra outfits, small pets, and didn't look scary. Look up the 92 or 94 Prince Phillip and compare him to Charming, it is uncanny.

That being said if they stick around and discount I may still pick up a few, but not for $130. I think Disney would have been better served to spend that extra money making just ONE amazing doll, be it princess or prince, instead of two lackluster dolls. I am glad my instincts were right, as soon as I saw the illustrations I knew these probably weren't for me. We'll have to see how Disney reacts to the general disappointment or if they still sell out fast because of the title "designer."
I'm a Belle and Beast fan so I'm cautiously optomistic on their set. But for some reason these previews crack me up. If your trying to get people to want them, wouldn't you pose them in the best possible look. Snow's head look like she looking up and the girls hand poses are priceless!!! I do kinda like Prince Charming though, he looks very different then you usually see him looking like. The dresses are a little cheap looking. Would have liked more flowyness to them.
Charming looks like a cross between Kurt Russell and Patrick Swayzee!!!!! With a jersey shore tan of course. It baffles me when I see comments about some being harsh on the look of the dolls. Bottom line is, these dolls are very expensive for what they are showing us thus far. I guess we are playing the waiting game to see the actual finished product at the Expo.....
I am extemeley disappointed that the men don't have rooted hair!! HOW are they going to do beast?!?! If he looks like the doll they sell now ill be so disappointed!! They could make a beautiful belle and beast doll, the beast being sculpted and with rooted hair! Or when he's human and they could do his hair all pretty!!!!
I am extemeley disappointed that the men don't have rooted hair!! HOW are they going to do beast?!?! If he looks like the doll they sell now ill be so disappointed!! They could make a beautiful belle and beast doll, the beast being sculpted and with rooted hair! Or when he's human and they could do his hair all pretty!!!! But nope
He's gonna look stupid I can just sense it!!!
Dont jump the gun now...they know they have to do better than the cheap play line beast....just wait and see. And the reason for them not rooting the guys' hair is most likely styling purposes. Have you ever tried to style short Ken doll hair? Always looks weird. At least molded the style can look correct.

I am extemeley disappointed that the men don't have rooted hair!! HOW are they going to do beast?!?! If he looks like the doll they sell now ill be so disappointed!! They could make a beautiful belle and beast doll, the beast being sculpted and with rooted hair! Or when he's human and they could do his hair all pretty!!!! But nope
He's gonna look stupid I can just sense it!!!
Dont jump the gun now...they know they have to do better than the cheap play line beast....just wait and see. And the reason for them not rooting the guys' hair is most likely styling purposes. Have you ever tried to style short Ken doll hair? Always looks weird. At least molded the style can look correct.

Not to mention...can you picture Flynn with a real hair goatee? THE NIGHTMARES!! :shock:

(even though I think flocking could have resolved that issue but I digress!)
Dont jump the gun now...they know they have to do better than the cheap play line beast....just wait and see. And the reason for them not rooting the guys' hair is most likely styling purposes. Have you ever tried to style short Ken doll hair? Always looks weird. At least molded the style can look correct.

Agreed! If you look closely, they added a lot of detail into the guys molded hair. It's not just a smooth surface like the classic dolls! I know if they have a textured-molded hair Flynn I'm going to be very happy! I just don't like the smooth shiny hair the classic male dolls have :(
I don't understand the disappointment. The lithographs were hideous with their terrible design sense, so the dolls being hideous is only natural. The only set I think might look nice is sadly Rapunzel.

ALTHOUGH I think that Snow's hair in the doll is so much better then the art's image. Which looked like she had two rat's nest pigtails.
I don't understand the disappointment. The lithographs were hideous with their terrible design sense, so the dolls being hideous is only natural. The only set I think might look nice is sadly Rapunzel.

ALTHOUGH I think that Snow's hair in the doll is so much better then the art's image. Which looked like she had two rat's nest pigtails.

Yeah.. I really don't like the concept art either. I actually had the $ saved to pre-order the whole set, but after seeing the art, decided to get other dolls I've been waiting on. No sup[rise the dolls are not so great for me.
Snow White is interesting. Quite pretty really. I'm really disappointed with Aladdin, Jasmine, and the Prince though. :(

I'll still hold out hope that Ariel will look amazing though.
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Wow, talk about behind lol I didn't see those doll images until right now but either way, I'm not a doll collector in the first place, but if I was:


Imo, they look VERY bad. All 4 of them. Don't get me wrong, Snow White and Jasmine aren't terrible, but Aladdin's clothes look too big for him and if they were planning on making the hair hard plastic like that, they should have just given the Prince his hat (I agree that I'm very scared for Beast since it all but confirms he'll be pure plastic).

Oh well, back to waiting on the pins since the original art (for some of them) wasn't too bad ^_^
I know we all have our personal preferences and tastes, but I'm not getting the hate. I think that what we have seen is much nicer than the Designer Villain Collection. I am not comparing these to the first designer line so much as I am comparing them to the 17" dolls since they are supposed to look more like their actual character. I for one think Snow White looks lovely. As far as the Prince goes... Well, I'm 100% sure that I stated some time back that when Designer Couples was the prospective idea that doing male dolls would be a challenge. I think given what we have typically gotten with the classic line these male representations are a vast improvement. Either way, I'm withholding judgement until I see something other than stock photos.
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