WANTED: Disney Designer fairytale collection co-op d23 expo??
I will be attending the expo but the set cost $200 plus tax and I won't sell it for that low and the only one I want to keep is Ariel but if I sell the other four tangled would be $500 Aladdin $400 batb $400 Snow White $400 I just really can't see it going lower than $2000 for the set just because everything that people have to pay for to get the set like tickets hotels food etc... So when I go and if I am lucky enough to get a set that's what I would consider selling it for
WOW!! Won't you be attending other events at the Expo and / or purchasing other items? We don't even know the LE on the set yet. I think this set and these prices are being blown way out of proportion. Let's not get hysterical!