Actually a great question, for three great reasons!!!
A> The old database needed a cleaning and refreshing, some pins in the system were duplicates, some where improperly labeled and classified, many were typoed or textually boo booed. however with the above mentioned 100000 entries, this is a daunting task for any small crew, and trust me the folks doing the editing work thier butts off to make sure your listings are accurate and discriptions are spot on, why? Cuz they are pin collectors too.....
The old PP was a great database, in 2005, however in the last ten years we have done a ton of growing as a hobby and as a collectable in general, The NEW PP, wants to be more than a database, thats why they have the PP forum
they have active links to OPDT, DIZPINS REFERENCE, and PP of course,, But the new PP is alot more than that,
ITs BIGGER PICTURES OF THE PINS, , it the ability to message members direcitly one to one, an ability the old site didnt have, No you dont get email notices<not yet> but we do have mailboxes to store and send from to each other, worldwide , regardless of what pinboard you hang on to chat and get your news from. Add to that that actually we now have a more comprehensive search engine, that does a wider and stronger search than the previous one, so as a whole function the system is upgraded!!
NO more? HOw about the PP Premium which wil benefit members by saving them on special merchandise that will be EXCLUSIVE THRU PINPICS, yup available no where else in the world and available to each and every PINPICS member, now is this still sounding like your Dads PINPICS?
yeah there is more, but Im making this point pretty well so far so,
C>Many of our younger users are excited because of the newer features like select viewing, Did you know you can not only view someones collection but specific pins in their collection as well, like only Alice in Wonderland or ONly LE 250, and our search engine will pop it right up !! Did you know we will be releasing tutorials on YOUTUBE to help as well as doing live demos at large pin trade meets?
We are trying to bring PP to the newer trader and make it fun and family like it was for all of us when we started, yes that will mean giving up some of what we know and felt comfy with, but it will also mean that we can add in all kinds of wonderous new things too,,,,,,
Hey dont think of it as OLD and NEW PINPICS, think of it as PP REFURBISHED!!!