delete post plz
First we have a huge list for the programmers, but I swear they are working like one armed men in a butt kicking contest to get all of it done, think of what was wrong a few weeks ago, it is getting better but it will take some time, not soon enough for us all I know but it will. I believe that particualr bug was very high on his list and should be completed before thanksgiving.
Will we get to see this list? It's hard to know when to send in a bug report or a usability question when we don't already know what is on the "fix" list. I don't think people want to "bother" anyone by reporting something that is already known, but that just opens the door for things to remain broken because Pinpics staff didn't know it was an issue.
Will we eventually get to see the total number of owns we have?
Will we have the ability to toggle display options to a larger size than 20 pins per page?
Will we be able to compare more than the three options we're given (owns/owns, trades/wants, wants/trades). Because those other options were useful for zapping people when a pin might not be on their wants list and you wanted to make sure they didn't already own it (your trades/their owns). Or I would compare my lists to my Dad's list all the time (which pins do I want that he owns, so I don't have to try so hard to get those and vice versa)
Will print css files (or other, but I know you can use CSS) be used so printing a single pin's information, (so you can have your parent shop for something and they like print outs) won't take 3 pages to print. Despite the website having a cute printer icon which usually means printer friendly?
Will the search allow for for directly looking up pin #100 or pin #1000 without returning all the pins that are LE100 or 1000 or have that number in their name like the 100 Years of Magic? (imagine you get a PM here that says, "hey I want to trade PP100 for your PP2500," but they don't give you any other info besides the number, and then see what happens)
Will there be a profile option where you can set Classes? I don't want to have to search both Pins Only and Pin Accessory only when I'm looking to add things to my wants, but it seems the only alternative, because I don't want to search Artist Proof, Prototype or Buttons. So on old site, I can do a search once, on new site I either have to wade through a bunch of stuff I don't want, or perform multiple searches.
When the site first went live I asked why only some LE numbers were options in the drop-down list, and I mentioned LE750 specifically. That was apparently interpreted as LE750 is missing. There are many other LExxx numbers missing LE10,000, LE5000, LE3500, LE400, LE75, etc. I don't actually know how many are missing. Are these ever going to be added?
Similar question will the LExxx numbers in the drop down list ever be arranged numerically and not alphabetically?
View Series, is working better but there are still problems. I just tried to View Series for a WDI 50th Anniversary pin (20762) and it came up with over 5000 results and neither the pictured options or the relevant results were the rest of that series but a generic "50th Anniversary." And when I went to view series for one of the pins in the DLR Original Attractions series (43446) one of the 4 pictured options was for 43447 which doesn't even exist in the database anymore. On the new site, I can click on the picture and actually see the old listing. When we find these errors (returning a deleted result, or a series that doesn't work right), what are we supposed to do with them?
Originally, some Origins were deleted. Like Europe, Unknown, and a couple others. Now, those are back for the new site, but the fields for the old pins haven't been repopulated. I looked up the total entries for Pins/Pins Accessories/ESPN pins, and then broke it down per Origin. It turns out that there are over 4800 pins that have no Origin at all. Many of those should. For example, there are about approx 550 Sedesma, 300 Propin, 125 Carrefour, 140 Bertoni pins which should all be Europe (but not DLRP). But that still leaves 3500 pins with no Origin. So the question is, will these ever be restored to what their Origin was?
Adding comments, how are we supposed to do it? Because as good as the moderators think they are, there are still mistakes in the listings. Why are the Designer Princess Fairytale pins listed as D23 Origin? They are merchandise that were sold at a D23 event, but that doesn't make them D23. D23 wasn't responsible for their creation in anyway. Also, this weekend's WDI Jessica's don't have adequate descriptions. My Mom was trying to order some online (no, they aren't sold out

And yes, all the trade assistant stuff. When Merryweather and I were trying to figure out stuff, it seemed like if one person deleted something from their box, then it was automatically deleted from both boxes. I've seen several people comment that they received an email notification but then went to Pinpics and there was nothing there. Also, people are wondering about when they do receive responses through the new site, it doesn't quote the original trade so they don't know what the person is accepting. I haven't played around too much with it, but those are the two biggies I've seen frustrating people: trade requests that don't seem to exist, and trades not being quoted in replies.